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Supported image formats

Simon edited this page May 3, 2021 · 11 revisions

Meshroom supports most image formats, including many RAW formats such as '.exr', '.rw2', '.cr2', '.nef', '.arw',... The image importer is based on OpenImageIO, so all formats supported by OpenImageIO can be imported to Meshroom. However it is recommended to use '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.tif', '.tiff' or '.png' at the moment.

Note: On some datasets the reconstruction quality could be reduced or cause unexpected interruption of the pipeline. (#G) Convert your RAW image to '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.tif', '.tiff' or '.png' to resolve this problem.

Problem: Images-cannot-be-imported

OpenImageIO supports reading the following file formats:

All formats are now supported in Meshroom 2020.1 (not supported in Meshroom 2019.2)

#BMP (.bmp) Cineon (.cin) Direct Draw Surface (.dds) DPX (.dpx) Field3D (.f3d) FITS (.fits) #GIF (.gif) HDR/RGBE (.hdr) #ICO (.ico) IFF (.iff) JPEG (*.jpg *.jpe *.jpeg .jif .jfif .jfi) #JPEG-2000 (.jp2 .j2k) OpenEXR (.exr) PNG / Portable Network Graphics (.png) #PNM / Netpbm (.pbm *.pgm *.ppm .pfm) PSD (.psd .pdd .psb) Ptex (.ptex) RAW digital camera files (.crw *.cr2 *.nef .raf .dng and others) RLA (.rla) SGI (.sgi *.rgb *.rgba *.bw .int .inta) Softimage PIC (.pic) #Targa (.tga .tpic) TIFF (.tif *.tiff *.tx *.env .sm .vsm) #Webp (.webp) Zfile (.zfile)



Does shooting raw or jpg make a difference? (by Peter Falkingham)


Supported image extensions

imageExtensions # bmp: '.bmp', # cineon: '.cin', # dds '.dds', # dpx: '.dpx', # gif: '.gif', # hdr: '.hdr', '.rgbe', # ico: '.ico', # iff: '.iff', '.z', # jpeg: '.jpg', '.jpe', '.jpeg', '.jif', '.jfif', '.jfi', # jpeg2000: '.jp2', '.j2k', '.j2c', # openexr: '.exr', '.sxr', '.mxr', # png: '.png', # pnm: '.ppm', '.pgm', '.pbm', '.pnm', '.pfm', # psd: '.psd', '.pdd', '.psb', # ptex: '.ptex', '.ptx', # raw: '.bay', '.bmq', '.cr2', '.cr3', '.crw', '.cs1', '.dc2', '.dcr', '.dng', '.erf', '.fff', '.k25', '.kdc', '.mdc', '.mos', '.mrw', '.nef', '.orf', '.pef', '.pxn', '.raf', '.raw', '.rdc', '.sr2', '.srf', '.x3f', '.arw', '.3fr', '.cine', '.ia', '.kc2', '.mef', '.nrw', '.qtk', '.rw2', '.sti', '.rwl', '.srw', '.drf', '.dsc', '.cap', '.iiq', '.rwz', # rla: '.rla', # sgi: '.sgi', '.rgb', '.rgba', '.bw', '.int', '.inta', # socket: '.socket', # softimage: '.pic', # tiff: '.tiff', '.tif', '.tx', '.env', '.sm', '.vsm', # targa: '.tga', '.tpic', # webp: 'webp', # zfile: '.zfile', # osl: '.osl', '.oso', '.oslgroup', '.oslbody',

video Extensions '.avi', '.mov', '.qt', '.mkv', '.webm', '.mp4', '.mpg', '.mpeg', '.m2v', '.m4v', '.wmv', '.ogv', '.ogg', '.mxf', panoramaInfoExtensions = ('.xml')