Clone this repository onto a Linux system (Ubuntu). Enter the closed_loop_robot_sim directory.
cd path/to/cloned/directory/closed_loop_robot_sim
Robot simulation can be run in docker container. First, the user must install docker, or verify it is installed on your machine. To install execute the
script with the argument install
. After the installation concludes log out of and into your user account to be able to use docker as a non-sudo user.
# To install docker
./ install
# To check if installed
docker --version
# Should output 'Docker version X.X.X, build XXX' if installed
Then, you can create the docker image that will be used to run the simulation. To do so, run the below command:
# To build image, run script with argument install
./ build
NOTE: The first time you run this, it will take ~10 min to build the container. After the image is built is on your system, you can check for it by running the command:
docker images
# You should see output like:
# relativity/cl_robot 0.1 ... A few seconds ago 1.13 GB
You can remove this docker image from your computer with the command: ./ remove
You can run the docker container to an interactive terminal with the command ./ bash
You can attach to the running docker container by opening a new terminal window/tab with the command: ./ another
Open Grafana interface in Firefox or similar browser at http://localhost:3000/
. It make take several refreshes to open.
Robot sim will be running in the docker container, and information being sent to your local browser.
Log into Grafana with username admin
and password admin
Open the dashboard "Sensor Dashboard". Once logged in,this option should be available on the home page under 'Recently viewed dashboards'.
cd path/to/cloned/directory
./ bash
# In docker container
I did not unit test (lack of time), but I did write some pytest files to verify basic functionality of components and do integration testing for pub/sub.
All tests can be run in docker bash (./ bash
) with the pytest
pytest test/infra/ # Test script
pytest -s test/infra/ # Test script with log output display
pytest -v test/infra/ # Test script with test summary output display
See docs/
Software design diagram - explains communication and modules
To check if Grafana server is running, execute command sudo service grafana-server status
in docker terminal.
To check if InfluxDB server is running, execute command sudo service influxdb status
in docker terminal.
Can also check server is active with command curl -sl -I localhost:8086/ping
To check if Grafana server is running, execute command sudo service mosquitto status
in docker terminal.
To see all statuses, execute command sudo service --status-all
in docker terminal.