Modifications to the OpenLayers (v6), html files (part of the dump1090-fa branch). The contents of public_html are a complete replacement to the webserver root directory on your dump1090-fa, or compatible, installation. Better to rename your existing html folder, and copy this one in (calling it as per the orignal). Set your options at the bottom of config.js (you must also update your site lat/long (2 places) in this file), clear your browser cache and re-load your dump1090-fa page.
Originaly amended for my own purposes, but having had several requests to share these changes I have decided to place them in this forum. The new layers are only really useful if you have aircraft in UK airspace. Other modifications can provide value in other regions.
Mouse Point Latitude and Longitude - files: index.html, style.css, script.js - see wiki
Additional maps- files: layers.js = see wiki
US Layers - allow to remove - file: layers.js - see wiki
UK Civilian layers - file: layer.js and supporting files in \layers\ directory - wiki
UK Military layers - file: layer.js and supporting files in \layers\ directory - wiki
Hover over labels - wiki
Permanent labels - wiki
Maximum range plot - wiki
Export/Import range plot - When you expand the sidebar (no map) there are an additional 3 red buttons (double click required to action). Clear ranges - reverts all ranges to zero. Export ranges - saves 3 files to local machine (downloads). Import ranges - imports ranges from the backup folder on the server (files must exist and be called minRange.json, midRange.json & maxRange.json). These are only a single range per compass degree so not as fine as that plotted, but hopefully still of some value.
A. Miscellaneous changes - wiki
B. Personalised icons - wiki
C. Ability to filter special aircraft - wiki
D. Setting the sidebar side to auto and then the tableinfo width varying, could cuase the map to lose its correct aspect ratio. see comments labelled: // AKISSACK mapsize Ref: AKDD
E. New config.js option (ShowAirfieldNames) to show airfield/airport names that are now encoded in relevant geoJSON files
Webserver (html sub-directory) changes by Allan Kissack
Originaly from: [dump1090-fa Debian/Raspbian packages] (
Which is a fork of: dump1090-mutability for FlightAware's PiAware software.