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Alignment with variant aware reference genomes
In this tutorial, we will demonstrate an alignment pipeline that utilized an variant-aware reference genome and levioSAM
to enchance accuracy.
We use 8 threads whenever the program supports multi-threaded processing.
- levioSAM
- mason2 simulator (v2.0.9)
- bcftools (v1.11)
- samtools (v1.11)
- Bowtie 2 (v2.4.2) or Bwa-mem (v0.7.17-r1188)
- GRCh38
- Small variant calls (SNVs and indels) from the 1000 Genomes Project
- A chromosome name map file (map chromosome name "Z" to "chrZ")
- A chromosome length map file (provides the length for each chromosome)
# GRCh38
wget -P ${DIR_DATA}/ ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/000/001/405/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38/seqs_for_alignment_pipelines.ucsc_ids/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gz
bgzip -d ${DIR_DATA}/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gz
samtools faidx ${DIR_DATA}/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna chr21 > ${DIR_DATA}/chr21.fa
# chromosome name map file
wget -P ${DIR_DATA}/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/langmead-lab/reference_flow/master/resources/GRCh38.chrom_map
# chromosome length map file
wget -P ${DIR_DATA}/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/langmead-lab/reference_flow/master/resources/GRCh38.length_map
# 1KGP genotypes
wget -P ${DIR_DATA}/1kg_vcf/ http://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/data_collections/1000_genomes_project/release/20190312_biallelic_SNV_and_INDEL/ALL.chr21.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz
We will use a simulated dataset in this tutorial. The advantage of simulated sequencing data is the advent of a ground truth.
We use the genotypes from the first haplotype of individual NA12878 from the 1000 Genomes Project (1KGP). We only use chr21 data for simplicity. We simulate 100000 paired-end reads, using the Illumina model.
mkdir ${SAMPLE}
bcftools view -s ${SAMPLE} ${DIR_DATA}/1kg_vcf/ALL.chr21.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz | bcftools annotate --rename-chrs ${DIR_DATA}/GRCh38.chrom_map -O z -o ${SAMPLE}/chr21-${SAMPLE}.vcf.gz; bcftools index ${SAMPLE}/chr21-${SAMPLE}.vcf.gz
# Generate NA12878 chr21 hapA.
# This will be used as the personalized reference genome later.
bcftools consensus -f ${DIR_DATA}/chr21.fa -H 1 -o ${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA.fa ${SAMPLE}/chr21-${SAMPLE}.vcf.gz
# Simulate reads using mason2
cd ${SAMPLE}/
mason_simulator -ir ${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA.fa -o ${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA.1.fq -or ${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA.2.fq -oa ${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA-mason.sam -n 100000 --num-threads 8
cd ../
In a major-allele reference, minor alleles in the original reference genome (here GRCh38) are replaced by major alleles cateloged in a reference panel. The resulting reference can be interpreted as the centroid reference genome -- on average it has a closer distance to individuals in the population.
bcftools view -O z -q 0.5000001 -G ${DIR_DATA}/1kg_vcf/ALL.chr21.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased.vcf.gz | bcftools annotate --rename-chrs ${DIR_DATA}/GRCh38.chrom_map -O z -o chr21-major.vcf.gz
bcftools index chr21-major.vcf.gz
bcftools consensus -f ${DIR_DATA}/chr21.fa -o chr21-major.fa chr21-major.vcf.gz
leviosam serialize -v chr21-major.vcf.gz -k ${DIR_DATA}/GRCh38.length_map -p chr21-major
leviosam serialize -v ${SAMPLE}/chr21-${SAMPLE}.vcf.gz -k ${DIR_DATA}/GRCh38.length_map -p ${SAMPLE}/chr21-${SAMPLE} -s ${SAMPLE} -g 0
When using major-allele reference and the personalized reference, we pipe the alignment results directory to leviosam
for smaller disk space usage.
If you'd like to keep the original alignment. You can use typical alignment commands, and use the leviosam lift -l <lft> -a <input> -p <out_prefix>
# Build Bowtie 2 indexes
mkdir bt2_indexes
bowtie2-build --threads 8 ${DIR_DATA}/chr21.fa bt2_indexes/chr21
bowtie2-build --threads 8 chr21-major.fa bt2_indexes/chr21-major
bowtie2-build --threads 8 ${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA.fa bt2_indexes/${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA
# Alignment
mkdir bt2_aln
# GRCh38
bowtie2 -p 8 -x bt2_indexes/chr21 -1 ${R1} -2 ${R2} -S bt2_aln/${SAMPLE}-chr21-grch38-bt2.sam
# Major
bowtie2 -p 8 -x bt2_indexes/chr21-major -1 ${R1} -2 ${R2} | leviosam lift -l chr21-major.lft -t 8 -p bt2_aln/${SAMPLE}-chr21-major-bt2
# Personalized-hapA
bowtie2 -p 8 -x bt2_indexes/${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA -1 ${R1} -2 ${R2} | leviosam lift -l ${SAMPLE}/chr21-${SAMPLE}.lft -t 8 -p bt2_aln/${SAMPLE}-chr21-per-bt2
Similar to the Bowtie 2 part, we pipe alignment results directory to leviosam
if liftover is needed.
# Build bwa mem indexes
mkdir bwa_indexes
bwa index -p bwa_indexes/chr21.fa ${DIR_DATA}/chr21.fa
bwa index -p bwa_indexes/chr21-major.fa chr21-major.fa
bwa index -p bwa_indexes/${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA.fa ${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA.fa
# Alignment
mkdir bwa_aln
# GRCh38
bwa mem -t 8 bwa_indexes/chr21.fa ${R1} ${R2} > bwa_aln/${SAMPLE}-chr21-grch38-bwa.sam
# Major
bwa mem -t 8 bwa_indexes/chr21-major.fa ${R1} ${R2} | leviosam lift -l chr21-major.lft -t 8 -p bwa_aln/${SAMPLE}-chr21-major-bwa
# Personalized-hapA
bwa mem -t 8 bwa_indexes/${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA.fa ${R1} ${R2} | leviosam lift -l ${SAMPLE}/chr21-${SAMPLE}.lft -t 8 -p bwa_aln/${SAMPLE}-chr21-per-bwa
To evaluate alignment concordance, we first lift the simulation profile (in SAM format) so that all results use GRCh38 coordinates.
leviosam lift -a ${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA-mason.sam -l ${SAMPLE}/chr21-${SAMPLE}.lft -p ${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA-mason-lifted -t 8
We use the compare_sam.py
script to evaluate alignment concordance. First set $PATH_LVSAM
to the levioSAM directory, and then we're good to start run evaluation:
# Bowtie 2
for fn in bt2_aln/${SAMPLE}-chr21-grch38-bt2.sam bt2_aln/${SAMPLE}-chr21-major-bt2.sam bt2_aln/${SAMPLE}-chr21-per-bt2.sam; do
python $PATH_LVSAM/scripts/compare_sam.py -b ${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA-mason-lifted.sam -q ${fn} -o ${fn}.cmp_rpt -p 10
samtools view -f 4 ${fn} | wc -l > ${fn}.unmapped_count
# bwa-mem
for fn in bwa_aln/${SAMPLE}-chr21-grch38-bwa.sam bwa_aln/${SAMPLE}-chr21-major-bwa.sam bwa_aln/${SAMPLE}-chr21-per-bwa.sam; do
python $PATH_LVSAM/scripts/compare_sam.py -b ${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}-chr21-hapA-mason-lifted.sam -q ${fn} -o ${fn}.cmp_rpt -p 10
samtools view -f 4 ${fn} | wc -l > ${fn}.unmapped_count
for i in `ls bt2_aln/*.cmp_rpt`; do ls $i; cat $i | grep -A 2 'Position'; done
for i in `ls bt2_aln/*count`; do ls $i; cat $i; done
# unaligned reads | % correct reads | % correct alignment | |
GRCh38 | 26 | 0.955015 | 0.955139 |
Major | 10 | 0.955195 | 0.955243 |
Personalized | 0 | 0.955335 | 0.955335 |
for i in `ls bwa_aln/*.cmp_rpt`; do ls $i; cat $i | grep -A 2 'Position'; done
for i in `ls bwa_aln/*count`; do ls $i; cat $i; done
# unaligned reads | % correct reads | % correct alignment | |
GRCh38 | 0 | 0.954025 | 0.954025 |
Major | 0 | 0.954105 | 0.954105 |
Personalized | 0 | 0.954305 | 0.954305 |
We show that in using major-allele reference improves alignment accuracy compared to using GRCh38. If a personalized reference genome is available, the accuracy can be further boosted.