Sentry configuration ready to use in our projects with minimal configuration.
pnpm add @altipla/sentry-astro
Include the Sentry plugin in your astro.config.ts
file, ensuring it is listed before any other integrations. Update the sourceMaps
values to the correct project & org name for source map uploads.
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
sourceMaps: {
appEntrypoint: 'app.ts',
output: 'server',
trailingSlash: 'never',
adapter: node({
mode: 'standalone',
build: {
format: 'file',
To track client-side errors, add the <SentryClient />
component in the <head>
section of your layout file (e.g., Layout.astro).
Include it as soon as possible but not before the critical meta tags and title of the page. The component will insert additional meta tags and configurations to initialize Sentry.
Example Layout.astro:
import SentryClient from '@altipla/sentry-astro/SentryClient.astro'
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http...
<SentryClient />
To capture Vue component errors, configure Sentry in your Vue app. In your app.ts
(or equivalent, configured in astro.config.ts
) file, add the following code to integrate Sentry.
import type { App } from 'vue'
import { sentryVue } from '@altipla/sentry-astro/vue'
export default (app: App) => {
To capture tRPC errors configure the standard option when declaring the router. In the [trpc].ts
file or equivalent:
import { fetchRequestHandler } from '@trpc/server/adapters/fetch'
import type { APIRoute } from 'astro'
import { appRouter } from '~/routers'
import { sentryTRPC } from '@altipla/sentry-astro/trpc'
export let ALL: APIRoute = async ({ request, locals }) => {
return await fetchRequestHandler({
req: request,
router: appRouter,
endpoint: '/api/trpc',
createContext: () => locals,
onError: sentryTRPC,