Plugin to move playing Media Files from array disks to a pool device in user Share while watching and keep them there by rules, incl. live switching in background.
Plugins > Install Plugin (or it can be installed from the Community Apps plugin)
once setted up, Media Files from Array disks (HDD) can be copied or moved to a pool ssd, the plugin can either live switch internally to cache (/mnt/user/... access is mandatory for Media Server, Players, ...) hard cut internally file access, Player will stall and you know when to stop, start ... pool reading will be active now do nothing, you have to manually know when you want to stop, start to use pool instead array disks
step by step through the setup options mover tuning exclusions are buildin, if not in use, consider your mover settings (files get moved back ...)
Settings --> Cache Mover
SettingsPage, cache-mover.
Cache Mover --> go through the listings
Warning, this plugin can also delete existing files, be aware about your settings and pathes