DIRECT is a method to solve global bound constraint optimization problems and was originally developed by D. R. Jones, C. D. Perttunen and B. E. Stuckmann.
pydirect is a python wrapper around DIRECT. It enables using DIRECT from the comfort of the great Python scripting language.
The pydirect package uses the fortan implementation of DIRECT written by Joerg.M.Gablonsky, DIRECT Version 2.0.4. More information on the DIRECT algorithm can be found in Gablonsky's thesis.
python install
After installing:
cd doc make html
Then, direct your browser to build/html/index.html
To run the tests with the interpreter available as python
, use:
cd test python
pydirect is open-source code released under the MIT License.
For bug reports use the Bitbucket issue tracker. You can also send wishes, comments, patches, etc. to [email protected]
Thank-you to the people at <> for their policy of free licenses for non-commercial open source developers.