Link to App:
An web application that track a player's stats in the video game 'Apex Legends'. To develop this app, I used React for the front-end and Express/Node.js for the backend. For the backend, I created an API that recieves GET requests for a specified player (ex: /api/v1/profile/:platform/:gamertag) and then sends a GET requests to the Tracker Network API given the parameters from the request sent to my API. The Tracker Network then responds with a JSON response containing the player's stats. This JSON response was then parsed and displayed on the front-end.
Inspiration: Apex Legends Tracker App | Full Stack Node & Vue.js
In the root folder, run 'npm run dev' to start the app in development mode. Make sure to add your own API key to the config.env file
- React
- Express/Node.js
- React Router Dom
- Axios
- React Context