Anahita 4.3.4 Birth Release
- asking for pronouns instead of gender on person profile edit
- if custom language package doesn't exist, default to en-GB
- if custom template package doesn't exist, default to shiraz
- delete language package directory when language package is uninstalled
- added OpenGraph meta tags to media and actor node detailed views
- fixed issue in the language class which was preventing the use of custom packages
- moved photo set cover to the main column
- fixed issue which was breaking inline photo title/description editing
- used rel=nofollow for the voters action link
- clean up meta description text
- fixed issue where the mentions RegEx was parsing @ symbols within urls
- refined email RegEx
- cleaned up and updated schemas
- fixed WSOD when users deleted their own accounts
- fixed issue where people with disabled accounts could login and see a broken page
- improved speed by 25% by some code optimization
- fixed issue which prevented errors to be displayed within the custom template
- updated minimum php version of all packages to php >= 5.6
- display the last 20 notifications in the notifications popup
- fixed issue where plugins were being imported multiple times
- fixed issue preventing commenting on articles
- added before/after events for person save and delete in user plugins
- updated Connect App code for facebook
- added parallax effect to actor profile covers