Functionality for this repository is explained on my post called Secure API Gateway with Amazon Cognito using SAM.
Clone or fork this repository and push it to your own GitHub account.
npm install
Logged in to the account you wish to deploy this follow these steps.
Build all the artifacts
sam build
Run sam deploy
with the guided flag to capture the necessary information for the deployment.
sam deploy --guided
Clone or fork this repository and push it to your own GitHub account.
- Create an GitHub environment named sandbox
- Add your Pipeline Execution Role (PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ROLE), CloudFormation Execution Role (CLOUDFORMATION_EXECUTION_ROLE) and a target S3 bucket name for the artifacts (ARTIFACTS_BUCKET_NAME) as secrets. Here is an explanation by Chris Ebert on how to set this up.
In the Actions in GitHub you can select the Deploy to Sandbox Workflow. There will be a button to Run workflow where you can now select the branch you wish to deploy.