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Online textbook for data structures and algorithms, created by PA's CSC630 class

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Data Structures and Algorithms Textbook

An online textbook for data structures and algorithms, created by Phillips Academy's CSC630 class.


  • Full Markdown and LaTeX support
  • Responsive mobile-friendly design
  • Sidebar navigation
  • Automatic table of contents

Commands Cheatsheet

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:3000
npm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
npm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
npm run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
npm run astro --help Get help using the Astro CLI

Check out the Astro documentation too!

Pages and routing

Astro looks in the src/pages directory for pages to build. The supported file types are .astro, .md, .mdx (with the MDX integration installed), and .html. However, you can also have folders. For example, both src/pages/foo/ and src/pages/ would correspond to the /foo route.

Site metadata

src/config.ts contains several data objects that describe metadata about the site like title, description, default language, and Open Graph details. These can be customized.

CSS styling

The theme's look and feel is controlled by a few key variables. You'll find them in the src/styles/theme.css CSS file.

The site currently uses a "cool blue" theme. To change this, adjust the --theme-accent variable to a new color.

/* src/styles/theme.css */
:root {
  color-scheme: light;
-  --theme-accent: hsla(var(--color-blue), 1);
+  --theme-accent: hsla(var(--color-red), 1);   /* or: hsla(#FF0000, 1); */

Page metadata

Astro uses frontmatter in Markdown pages to choose layouts and pass properties to those layouts. For example, you can use the title and description properties to set various metadata tags. Frontmatter is located at the top of a Markdown file and looks like this:

title: Example title
description: An example article on programming.
layout: ../layouts/MainLayout.astro

The page content goes here!

For more SEO-related properties, look at src/components/HeadSEO.astro.

Sidebar navigation

The sidebar navigation is controlled by the SIDEBAR variable in the src/config.ts file. You can customize the sidebar by modifying this object.

export const SIDEBAR = {
  "Section Header": [
    { text: "Introduction", link: "introduction" },
    { text: "Page 2", link: "page-2" },
    { text: "Page 3", link: "page-3" }
  "Another Section": [
    { text: "Page 4", link: "page-4" }


Online textbook for data structures and algorithms, created by PA's CSC630 class






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