A cross-platform, easy and intuitive way to manage your scenes in react-native. Adapts to the platform, e.g. tabs on top for Android and tabs on the botton for iOS. Scene transitions default to the native platform patterns, but can be changed to your needs. Run the example on both iOS and Android to see it in action :D
is the root level component that manages all your scene (Scene
) transitions. Navigator internally uses the React-Native Navigator component, but makes it easy and intuitive to use.
import React, { Component} from 'react';
import { Navigator, Scene } from 'react-native-scene-navigator';
import MainScene from '~/scenes/Main';
import DetailScene from '~/scenes/Detail';
import ModalScene from '~/scenes/Modal';
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
component={MainScene} />
component={DetailScene} />
component={ModalScene} />
will pass a navigator
to all of the Scene
s it manages.
Open any scene you have configured with Navigator
navigator.open(reference, params)
onPress() {
const { navigator } = this.props;
navigator.open('scene-reference', {
pass: {
any: {
params: 'To the scene you wish to open'
Goes back one scene.
onPress() {
const { navigator } = this.props;
Attaching a navigationbar is easy:
export default class SomeScene extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
const { scene: { reference }, navigator } = this.props;
// navigator needs a scene reference,
// or it won't know where to attach your NavigationBar!
Add a TabNavigator
to manage your TabScenes. TabNavigator will pass the navigator you provide it to the Scenes it manages. It can also be used independent of Navigator
internally uses TabBarIOS for iOS and ViewPagerAndroid for android.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { TabNavigator, Scene } from 'react-native-scene-navigator';
import Tab1Scene from '~/scenes/Tab1';
import Tab2Scene from '~/scenes/Tab2';
import Tab3Scene from '~/scenes/Tab3';
export default class TabbedScene extends Component {
render() {
const { navigator, scene } = this.props;
return (
scene={scene} >
component={Tab1Scene} />
component={Tab2Scene} />
component={Tab3Scene} />
passes tabNavigator to all of it's scenes. you can set the tab badge number with tabNavigator.setBadge(number)
has some configuration props.
const tabNavigatorConfigurationProps = {
// scene reference, defaults to first tab
initialTab: 'tab-2',
// android only, defaults to true
scrollEnabledAndroid: true,
// android only, defaults to 0
pageMarginAndroid: 10,
// android only
tabIndicatorStyleAndroid: {
height: 10, // default 4
bottom: 5, // default 0
backgroundColor: '#f0f', // default #fff
// ...View.style
// android only, default 60
tabBarHeightAndroid: 100,
// IOS only, default true
translucentIOS: false,
// both platforms
tabBarTintColor: '#00f', // #hex or rgba
tabTintColor: '#f0f', // #hex or rgba
tabActiveTintColor: '#0f0', // #hex or rgba
badgeColorIOS: '#f0f', //ios >= 10
badgeStyleAndroid: {
padding: 0,
paddingLeft: 2,
paddingRight: 2,
minWidth: 16,
borderRadius: 12,
top: 0,
right: 5,
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 2,
backgroundColor: '#f0f',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
badgeTextStyleAndroid: {
color: '#fff',
fontSize: 10,
navigator={navigator} // will be passed down
scene={scene} // will be passed down
{...tabNavigatorConfigurationProps} >
A Scene is used by Navigator and TabNavigator to render your scenes/views
The scene reference you use to open a scene with navigator.open(<reference>)
The component the scene will render
The tab bar icon
Selected tab bar icon
Tab title
Tab badge number
The transition when opening or closing a scene with navigator.open()
You can configure scene transitions for each individual scene.
##any={prop} any custom prop will be passed to your scene as well