"Notify Me" is a 2-page web app that collects email addresses.
Here is what Notify Me looks like by default:
Notify Me was designed for Heroku which uses Postgres as the database server, but can be used locally with sqlite. If you like the idea but want to use different tools, feel free to fork and modify Notify Me for your own needs! The intent was to keep it very simple with few dependencies, so it could be modified easily.
Open your browser to http://localhost:9292/
Notify Me is intended to be customized. In notify_me.rb
you can change the product name, placeholder email strings, Google Analytics account ID and more. Of course you can also edit the markup of the inline templates as well.
Install the Heroku Toolbelt.
heroku create
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql
git push heroku master
heroku open
sqlite3 notify-me.db
select email from subscriptions;
heroku run console
require_relative "notify_me"
A Photoshop document notify-me.psd
is part of this repository. The PSD can be used as a starting point for design customization:
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5
Size: 4.3 MB
Dimensions: 1024x768
Fonts: Helvetica Neue
Creator: Nate Kadlac
Copyright 2011 Andy Atkinson. MIT License.