V-HACD v0.3 for Blender 2.80
Initial release of the Blender 2.80 V-HACD add-on. This is a simple port of the original Blender 2.65+ addon by Phymec, which is included in the official repository for V-HACD, by Khaled Mammou. The add-on provides basic functionality for working with V-HACD in Blender 2.80 and a simple rename tool to help name generated convex hulls.
In order to use the add-on, you will need to install the V-HACD executable somewhere on your computer. It can be downloaded directly using the following links: Win | OSX (Requires OpenCL), Win | OSX (No OpenCL required)
Download the add-on below, and don't forget to check the installation and usage instructions.