This project is a POC which consumes the Quarkus LS inside Eclipse IDE with LSP4E to provides support for Quarkus properties inside
Please note this POC should be integrated in JBoss Tools.
Here a demo:
If you wish to play with this POC:
- install LSP4E
- import in your workspace com.redhat.quarkus.lsp4e which is starts Quarkus LS with LSP4E (server side).
- import in your workspace com.redhat.quarkus.jdt.core wich uses JDT Search to collect Quarkus properties from a given project (client side). You will have compilation problem with QuarkusDelegateCommandHandler because this class has dependency to JDT LS (used only in vscode context) but it's not a problem.
- launch a second Eclipse Workspace (by starting the MANIFEST.MF of com.redhat.quarkus.jdt.core)
- import a Quarkus project in the second workspace and open an
You should have completion, hover, validation, outline for the
Any feedback are welcome! Enjoy!