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Installation Instructions for OSX

Sanket Dasgupta edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

Setup for Developers (working on OSX)

  • Requirements:
  • Ensure that SSL module is also installed while installing Python 3.3.5. In case if you are not able to get the module then follow the following steps of code in the terminal to set up: (Replace foo in all the paths below with the Username on your system):

    $ brew install openssl
    $ brew install pyenv
    $ CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include" LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib" pyenv install 3.3.5
    $ cd /Users/foo/.pyenv)
    $ cd shims
    $ cat ~/.bashrc
    $ cat ~/.bash_profile
  • Open .bash_profile in text-editor and replace everything with:

    $ alias sudo="sudo "
    $ alias python3.3="/Users/foo/.pyenv/shims/python3.3"
    $ alias pip3.3="/Users/foo/.pyenv/shims/pip3.3"

    Also, delete the .bashrc file.

  • $ source ~/.bash_profile
    $ alias
    $ pyenv global 3.3.5
    $ pip3.3 --version
(Ensuring that pip version 9.0.1 is there. If it is not present then install.)
  • Create a virtual environment with Python 3 and install dependencies:

    $ virtualenv venv --python=/opt/python3.3/bin/python3.3
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    $ pip3.3 install -r requirements/dev.txt
  • Create systersdb database, where systersdb might be any suitable name.

  • Fill in the database details in systers_portal/settings/

  • Run export SECRET_KEY= foobarbaz in your terminal, ideally the secret key should be 40 characters long, unique and unpredictable. Optionally to set the shell variable every time you activate the virtualenv, edit venv/bin/activate and add to the bottom the export statement.

  • $ python3.3 systers_portal/ migrate
    $ python3.3 systers_portal/ createsuperuser
    $ python3.3 systers_portal/ runserver
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