This is a console application that connects to the u-blox ZED-F9P Precision GNSS Module via a serial interface. The application configures the module to operate as either an NTRIP Client or Station.
- NTRIP Station Mode: When configured as a Station, the ZED-F9P enters survey mode. Upon completion, it transmits NTRIP data to the caster platform.
- NTRIP Client Mode: When configured as a Client, the application receives NTRIP data, converts it to an NMEA sequence, and combines it with additional GPS data from the u-blox device.
To compile the application for Linux/Raspberry Pi environment (32/64-bit), use the following commands:
dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained -r linux-arm
dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained -r linux-arm64
COM port (e.g., COM#, ttyACM#)
Required -
NTRIP caster server (default: -
NTRIP caster port (default: 2101) -
NTRIP caster mountpoint -
NTRIP caster password -
Minimum RTCM accuracy to complete survey (in meters) (default: 3.000) -
Minimum time required to complete survey (in seconds) (default: 60) -
Operation mode for the driver (default: Idle) -
Path to the NMEA socket -
Path to the RTCM socket -
Path to the sync socket -
Enable debug mode (default: false)
To run the application on Raspberry Pi, use the following commands:
/home/pi/gps-station/f9p/Zedf9p -p /dev/ttyACM0 -s [CASTER_SERVER(] -t 2101 -m [MOUNT_POINT] -w [PASSWORD] -a 3.000 -y 60 -o Server -n /tmp/zed-f9p-nmea-data.sock -r /tmp/zed-f9p-rtcm-data.sock -x /tmp/zed-f9p-sync-data.sock -d
/home/pi/gps-station/f9p/Zedf9p --com-port /dev/ttyACM0 --ntrip-server [CASTER_SERVER(] --ntrip-port 2101 --ntrip-mountpoint [MOUNT_POINT] --ntrip-password [PASSWORD] --rtcm-accuracy-req 3.000 --rtcm-survey-time 60 --mode Server --nmea-socket /tmp/zed-f9p-nmea-data.sock --rtcm-socket /tmp/zed-f9p-rtcm-data.sock --sync-socket /tmp/zed-f9p-sync-data.sock --debug
MIT License.