Solve one-dimensional HJB equations of the form
v_t + \sup_{a\in A}\{ b(t,x,a)*v_x + \frac{1}{2}\sigma(t,x,a)^2v_{xx} + f(t,x,a)\}= 0
HJBSolver implements two Finite Difference solvers based on the algorithms described
in forsyth2007numerical
- Policy iteration: Run a local optimisation for the policy on each time-step.
- Piecewise constant policy timestepping: Approximate the policy function from a discrete set of values.
- Show how to use it
- Warn about crappy code
title={Numerical methods for controlled Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman PDEs in finance},
author={Forsyth, Peter A and Labahn, George},
journal={Journal of Computational Finance},