Teaching and Learning concepts of Theory of Automata are now made easy and interactive.
- A user shall be able to make Automaton in Editor page where changes shall be synced across transition table and playground.
- A user shall be able to download the Automaton.
- A user shall be able to upload the Automaton.
- A user shall be able to test if Automaton is DFA or not.
- A user shall be able to test if Automaton is NFA or not.
- A user shall be able to highlight null transitions on already built Automaton.
- A user shall be able to resize Automaton.
- A user shall be able to test a string on already built Automaton.
- A user shall be able to Minimize DFA.
- A user shall be able to convert NFA to DFA.
- A user shall be able to use Help page to find details regarding every feature and demo for visual explanation.
- A user shall be able to use Contact page for any queries, issues or general message.
You can use the app here.