GDSC Soltuion Challenge 2024
To bring about an effective change in the garbage collection process and also tackle the social stigma regarding the position and work of garbage collectors to harbour a cleaner and greener environment, working together without any social differences.
Client: Flutter, HTML, CSS JavaScript, Bootstrap
Backend: Flask, Python, Django, Keras, OpenCV, YOLOv8
Storage: Firebase Firestore, Realtime Database, SQLite
Other Tools: GCP VM Instances, Mapbox, Render, Docker
- Categorization of Trash w/ Deep Learning
Used Transfer Learning on the VGG19 model along with a custom dataset combined with open-sourced and hand-labelled ones.
- Reward System
-> Earn points for each category and count (using YOLOv8) of litter collected during plogging and once the garbage collected has been verified by the Garbage Collector on-site (so the garbage collected does reach to a factory through the worker), points are sent.
-> Redeem points in the 'Store' for gift cards.
-> The categorization of garbage is intended for smoothing out the process of post-garbage collected by already organizing the garbage as much as possible.
- Map Location
Genetic Algorithm automatically finds the best route for the locations of trash sites marked as 'Favourite' so as to cater to their jogging times (up to 3 max).
- Blog System
Share plogging experiences, environmental tips, and success stories through the integrated blog system, bringing the community together and breaking the social stigma of how 'garbage collectors' are perceived.
Please install the following requirements before proceeding with the next steps
Android Studio
Flutter SDK
Ensure that you are able to run Flutter apps locally by installing the following packages
Run the following command to ensure your system meets the requirements to run the app. All requirements must be met to run the app.
flutter doctor
Pull the server image from DockerHub
docker pull yuvrajsingh9886/plogpayouts-server:v1.0
Run the server image
docker container run -d -p 8080:8080 yuvrajsingh9886/plogpayouts-server:v1.0
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd webapp
Create a virtual environment
mkvirtualenv envname
Activate virtualenv
workon envname
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the website Locally
python runserver
- Run the following commands to download all required dependancies.
flutter clean
flutter pub get
- Run the following command to run the app on an emulator/real device
flutter run