What's Changed
- PHP 8.1 Support by @phdhiren in #190
- Remove the yml extension from field_apidoc_file_link and field_apidoc_spec allowed values - 3.x branch by @shishir-intelli in #176
- Fix deprecated method assertEqual which is removed from Drupal:10.0.0 by @shishir-intelli in #180
- GitHub Actions for Apigee API Catalog by @phdhiren in #186
- Fix deprecated function file_save_data(): in Drupal:9.3.0 and is removed from Drupal:10.0.0 by @shishir-intelli in #182
- Fix deprecated method drupal_get_path in Drupal:9.3.0 and is removed from Drupal:10.0.0 by @shishir-intelli in #181
- Remove circleci integration by @phdhiren in #191