When studying Full Stack JavaScript Development in 2018, I stumbled on React and was hooked. I spent the next three years diving deep into React even going so far as to develop the React curriculum at Code Fellows. Currently, I use React Native to build mobile applications.
Languages and such: JavaScript(ES6), React, React Native, node, jQuery, CSS, HTML, Markdown, Express.js, SMACSS
Tools/Libraries : AWS, socket.io, netlify, JSON Web Tokens, Heroku, Git, Chrome DevTools, Regex, npm
On a grand scale, working in tech is like being a wizard. You have powers to create and enact change that no other industry has. You can connect two people who live on opposite sides of the world. You can program AI. The world is changing rapidly and tech is initiating many of those changes. I want to be a part of that.
On a small scale, it is something that brings me great joy. I can get lost in a coding problem for hours and not realize that any time has passed. The feeling of finding a solution to a problem that you have been stuck on for days or even weeks is indescribable, and I want more of that in my life.