- peer-calls/peer-calls (1,644s/281f) : Group peer to peer video calls for everyone written in Go and TypeScript
- containers/podman (23,329s/2,376f) : Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
- caddyserver/caddy (57,437s/4,004f) : Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
- grafana/k6 (25,221s/1,255f) : A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript - https://k6.io
- trufflesecurity/trufflehog (15,807s/1,647f) : Find, verify, and analyze leaked credentials
- vmware-tanzu/velero (8,629s/1,391f) : Backup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes
- keploy/keploy (4,780s/444f) : Shadow Test generation for Developers. Generate tests and stubs for your application that actually work!
- derailed/k9s (26,746s/1,676f) : 🐶 Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!
- k0sproject/k0s (3,555s/356f) : k0s - The Zero Friction Kubernetes
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go (5,206s/1,045f) : OpenTelemetry Go API and SDK
- googleapis/google-cloud-go (3,727s/1,278f) : Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go.
- IceWhaleTech/CasaOS (25,284s/1,371f) : CasaOS - A simple, easy-to-use, elegant open-source Personal Cloud system.
- jackc/pgx (10,464s/827f) : PostgreSQL driver and toolkit for Go
- gruntwork-io/terragrunt (7,967s/967f) : Terragrunt is a flexible orchestration tool that allows Infrastructure as Code written in OpenTofu/Terraform to scale.
- livekit/livekit (9,817s/809f) : End-to-end stack for WebRTC. SFU media server and SDKs.
- GoogleCloudPlatform/terraformer (12,500s/1,637f) : CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform). Infrastructure to Code
- restic/restic (25,966s/1,543f) : Fast, secure, efficient backup program
- kopia/kopia (7,567s/384f) : Cross-platform backup tool for Windows, macOS & Linux with fast, incremental backups, client-side end-to-end encryption, compression and data deduplication. CLI and GUI included.
- mikefarah/yq (12,004s/590f) : yq is a portable command-line YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, TOML and properties processor
- sigstore/cosign (4,406s/542f) : Code signing and transparency for containers and binaries
- google/go-github (10,333s/2,053f) : Go library for accessing the GitHub v3 API
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go-contrib (1,153s/546f) : Collection of extensions for OpenTelemetry-Go.
- getkin/kin-openapi (2,574s/428f) : OpenAPI 3.0 (and Swagger v2) implementation for Go (parsing, converting, validation, and more)
- grpc/grpc-go (20,947s/4,348f) : The Go language implementation of gRPC. HTTP/2 based RPC
- sensepost/gowitness (3,035s/339f) : 🔍 gowitness - a golang, web screenshot utility using Chrome Headless
- exo-explore/exo (9,338s/493f) : Run your own AI cluster at home with everyday devices 📱💻 🖥️⌚
- unclecode/crawl4ai (10,564s/740f) : 🔥🕷️ Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scrapper
- All-Hands-AI/OpenHands (32,612s/3,727f) : 🙌 OpenHands: Code Less, Make More
- openai/whisper (68,550s/8,081f) : Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
- pytorch/ao (1,112s/113f) : PyTorch native quantization and sparsity for training and inference
- OpenBB-finance/OpenBB (31,272s/2,871f) : Investment Research for Everyone, Everywhere.
- zulip/zulip (21,295s/7,711f) : Zulip server and web application. Open-source team chat that helps teams stay productive and focused.
- Pythagora-io/gpt-pilot (30,189s/3,012f) : The first real AI developer
- myshell-ai/OpenVoice (28,954s/2,823f) : Instant voice cloning by MIT and MyShell.
- Avaiga/taipy (12,181s/891f) : Turns Data and AI algorithms into production-ready web applications in no time.
- s0md3v/roop (28,178s/6,811f) : one-click face swap
- ultralytics/ultralytics (29,388s/5,770f) : Ultralytics YOLO11 🚀
- TheAlgorithms/Python (184,771s/44,442f) : All Algorithms implemented in Python
- dagster-io/dagster (11,265s/1,421f) : An orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets.
- Cinnamon/kotaemon (13,366s/995f) : An open-source RAG-based tool for chatting with your documents.
- mlflow/mlflow (18,428s/4,167f) : Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
- boto/boto3 (9,001s/1,866f) : AWS SDK for Python
- TheAlgorithms/Java (58,960s/19,066f) : All Algorithms implemented in Java
- pmd/pmd (4,834s/1,488f) : An extensible multilanguage static code analyzer.
- spring-projects/spring-framework (56,333s/38,018f) : Spring Framework
- iluwatar/java-design-patterns (89,538s/26,467f) : Design patterns implemented in Java
- apache/druid (13,440s/3,690f) : Apache Druid: a high performance real-time analytics database.
- Eanya-Tonic/CCTV_Viewer (1,417s/134f) : 电视浏览器,一款基于tv.cctv.com和央视频的简易电视直播收看软件,用于方便的在机顶盒上收看电视节目
- spring-projects/spring-security (8,745s/5,869f) : Spring Security
- apache/lucene (2,615s/1,020f) : Apache Lucene open-source search software
- liquibase/liquibase (4,655s/1,846f) : Main Liquibase Source
- devopshydclub/vprofile-project (2,354s/8,804f) :
- GoogleCloudPlatform/java-docs-samples (1,754s/2,823f) : Java and Kotlin Code samples used on cloud.google.com
- apache/fineract (1,338s/1,630f) : Apache Fineract
- openrewrite/rewrite (2,146s/320f) : Automated mass refactoring of source code.
- apache/rocketmq (21,132s/11,644f) : Apache RocketMQ is a cloud native messaging and streaming platform, making it simple to build event-driven applications.
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java (1,974s/817f) : OpenTelemetry Java SDK
- AntennaPod/AntennaPod (6,309s/1,396f) : A podcast manager for Android
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation (1,919s/839f) : OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation and instrumentation libraries for Java
- hibernate/hibernate-orm (5,916s/3,524f) : Hibernate's core Object/Relational Mapping functionality
- camunda/camunda (3,269s/596f) : Process Orchestration Framework
- OpenAPITools/openapi-generator (21,456s/6,487f) : OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
- aws/aws-sdk-java-v2 (2,166s/840f) : The official AWS SDK for Java - Version 2
- apache/beam (7,803s/4,230f) : Apache Beam is a unified programming model for Batch and Streaming data processing.
- netdata/netdata (71,129s/5,876f) : Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- ggerganov/whisper.cpp (34,785s/3,545f) : Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++
- timescale/timescaledb (17,602s/882f) : An open-source time-series SQL database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries. Packaged as a PostgreSQL extension.
- radareorg/radare2 (20,454s/2,981f) : UNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line toolset
- eclipse/mosquitto (8,944s/2,374f) : Eclipse Mosquitto - An open source MQTT broker
- fluent/fluent-bit (5,788s/1,569f) : Fast and Lightweight Logs and Metrics processor for Linux, BSD, OSX and Windows
- citusdata/pg_cron (2,819s/192f) : Run periodic jobs in PostgreSQL
- confluentinc/librdkafka (217s/3,145f) : The Apache Kafka C/C++ library
- floooh/sokol (6,922s/487f) : minimal cross-platform standalone C headers
- google/security-research (3,312s/405f) : This project hosts security advisories and their accompanying proof-of-concepts related to research conducted at Google which impact non-Google owned code.
- Xilinx/Vitis-Tutorials (1,209s/552f) : Vitis In-Depth Tutorials
- openssl/openssl (25,579s/10,086f) : TLS/SSL and crypto library
- nanopb/nanopb (4,292s/848f) : Protocol Buffers with small code size
- lizongying/my-tv (29,806s/3,333f) : 我的电视 电视直播软件,安装即可使用
- zeldaret/oot (4,580s/578f) : Decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- aws/s2n-tls (4,519s/704f) : An implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols
- BasedHardware/omi (3,513s/404f) : AI wearables
- brunodev85/winlator (8,211s/393f) : Android application for running Windows applications with Wine and Box86/Box64
- jart/cosmopolitan (17,963s/616f) : build-once run-anywhere c library
- mediar-ai/screenpipe (6,012s/304f) : 24/7 local AI screen & mic recording. Build AI apps that have the full context. Works with Ollama. Alternative to Rewind.ai. Open. Secure. You own your data. Rust.
- mainmatter/100-exercises-to-learn-rust (4,621s/835f) : A self-paced course to learn Rust, one exercise at a time.
- juspay/hyperswitch (12,090s/1,274f) : An open source payments switch written in Rust to make payments fast, reliable and affordable
- orhun/binsider (2,192s/46f) : Analyze ELF binaries like a boss 😼🕵️♂️
- Priler/jarvis (2,072s/421f) : Voice assistant made as an experiment using neural networks for things like STT/TTS/Wake Word/NLU etc.
- oxc-project/oxc (10,968s/402f) : ⚓ A collection of JavaScript tools written in Rust.
- EricLBuehler/mistral.rs (3,576s/254f) : Blazingly fast LLM inference.
- astral-sh/uv (21,753s/636f) : An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust.
- phiresky/ripgrep-all (7,990s/172f) : rga: ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc.
- neondatabase/neon (14,519s/422f) : Neon: Serverless Postgres. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, code-like database branching, and scale to zero.
- astral-sh/ruff (31,482s/1,056f) : An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
- glzr-io/glazewm (5,484s/158f) : GlazeWM is a tiling window manager for Windows inspired by i3wm.
- eza-community/eza (11,435s/205f) : A modern alternative to ls
- pola-rs/polars (29,534s/1,878f) : Dataframes powered by a multithreaded, vectorized query engine, written in Rust
- zed-industries/zed (47,863s/2,803f) : Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
- rust-lang/rustup (6,125s/880f) : The Rust toolchain installer
- rust-lang/rust (97,296s/12,580f) : Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
- solana-labs/solana-program-library (3,482s/2,045f) : A collection of Solana programs maintained by Solana Labs
- martinvonz/jj (8,322s/284f) : A Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful
- paritytech/polkadot-sdk (1,806s/660f) : The Parity Polkadot Blockchain SDK
- foundry-rs/foundry (8,177s/1,701f) : Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
- servo/servo (28,016s/2,989f) : Servo, the embeddable, independent, memory-safe, modular, parallel web rendering engine
- mufeedvh/code2prompt (1,832s/99f) : A CLI tool to convert your codebase into a single LLM prompt with source tree, prompt templating, and token counting.
- rolldown/rolldown (8,111s/449f) : Fast Rust bundler for JavaScript/TypeScript with Rollup-compatible API.
- groue/GRDB.swift (6,772s/702f) : A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
- airbnb/lottie-ios (25,692s/3,737f) : An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
- argmaxinc/WhisperKit (3,190s/272f) : On-device Speech Recognition for Apple Silicon
- swiftlang/swift-syntax (3,212s/410f) : A set of Swift libraries for parsing, inspecting, generating, and transforming Swift source code.
- apple/swift-async-algorithms (2,948s/147f) : Async Algorithms for Swift
- socketio/socket.io-client-swift (5,214s/847f) :
- apple/swift-nio (7,937s/645f) : Event-driven network application framework for high performance protocol servers & clients, non-blocking.
- pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture (12,283s/1,431f) : A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
- daltoniam/Starscream (8,302s/1,204f) : Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
- peripheryapp/periphery (5,195s/186f) : A tool to identify unused code in Swift projects.
- vapor/vapor (24,407s/1,438f) : 💧 A server-side Swift HTTP web framework.
- realm/SwiftLint (18,607s/2,219f) : A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
- overtake/TelegramSwift (5,011s/849f) : Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift 5.0
- tuist/tuist (4,535s/547f) : Tuist's CLI
- grpc/grpc-swift (2,019s/417f) : The Swift language implementation of gRPC.
- apple/swift-protobuf (4,560s/449f) : Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift
- mrousavy/react-native-vision-camera (7,362s/1,075f) : 📸 A powerful, high-performance React Native Camera library.
- SDWebImage/SDWebImageSwiftUI (2,175s/224f) : SwiftUI Image loading and Animation framework powered by SDWebImage
- onevcat/Kingfisher (23,132s/2,644f) : A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
- aws-amplify/amplify-swift (447s/195f) : A declarative library for application development using cloud services.
- apollographql/apollo-ios (3,871s/717f) : 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift.
- XITRIX/iTorrent (2,061s/197f) : Torrent client for iOS 16+
- TelegramMessenger/Telegram-iOS (5,975s/1,590f) : Telegram-iOS
- pointfreeco/swift-snapshot-testing (3,759s/577f) : 📸 Delightful Swift snapshot testing.
- realm/realm-swift (16,280s/2,145f) : Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
- Hammerspoon/hammerspoon (11,951s/579f) : Staggeringly powerful macOS desktop automation with Lua
- sparkle-project/Sparkle (7,402s/1,046f) : A software update framework for macOS
- openid/AppAuth-iOS (1,752s/766f) : iOS and macOS SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
- adjust/ios_sdk (619s/288f) : This is the iOS SDK of
- iZettle/sdk-ios (82s/38f) : Add card payments from Zettle to your own app
- google/gtm-session-fetcher (240s/148f) : Google Toolbox for Mac - Session Fetcher
- google/promises (3,797s/295f) : Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Swift and Objective-C.
- OneSignal/OneSignal-iOS-SDK (494s/262f) : OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your native iOS app with OneSignal. https://onesignal.com
- braze-inc/braze-swift-sdk (50s/19f) : Braze SDK for the Apple ecosystem, including: iOS, macOS, iPadOS, visionOS, tvOS
- SDWebImage/SDWebImage (25,027s/5,963f) : Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
- google/GoogleUtilities (104s/48f) :
- muxinc/mux-stats-sdk-avplayer (43s/21f) : Mux integration with
for iOS Native Applications - focus-editor/focus (1,750s/94f) : A simple and fast text editor
- AliSoftware/OHHTTPStubs (5,037s/601f) : Stub your network requests easily! Test your apps with fake network data and custom response time, response code and headers!
- rnmapbox/maps (2,222s/839f) : A Mapbox react native module for creating custom maps
- thunderbird/thunderbird-android (10,226s/2,474f) : Thunderbird for Android – Open Source Email App for Android (fka K-9 Mail)
- awslabs/aws-sdk-kotlin (400s/49f) : Multiplatform AWS SDK for Kotlin
- bitwarden/android (6,326s/796f) : Bitwarden mobile app for Android.
- HabitRPG/habitica-android (1,436s/510f) : Native Android app for Habitica
- JetBrains/compose-multiplatform (16,005s/1,164f) : Compose Multiplatform, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.
- xiaowine/Lyric-Getter (464s/33f) : Lyric Getter | 酒域-歌词获取
- JetBrains/kotlin (48,967s/5,721f) : The Kotlin Programming Language.
- jellyfin/jellyfin-androidtv (2,734s/467f) : Android TV Client for Jellyfin
- InsertKoinIO/koin (8,985s/713f) : Koin - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin & Kotlin Multiplatform
- CCBlueX/LiquidBounce (1,445s/462f) : A free mixin-based injection hacked client for Minecraft using the Fabric API
- android/compose-samples (19,980s/4,745f) : Official Jetpack Compose samples.
- android/architecture-samples (44,371s/11,627f) : A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.
- DerGoogler/MMRL (432s/14f) : MMRL is an Android app that helps manage your own modules repository.
- MM2-0/Kvaesitso (2,394s/74f) : A search-focused Android launcher
- Ehviewer-Overhauled/Ehviewer (5,166s/232f) : EhViewer overhauled with Material Design 3, Jetpack Compose and more
- Nain57/Smart-AutoClicker (1,837s/337f) : An open-source auto clicker on images for Android
- tiann/KernelSU (9,902s/1,608f) : A Kernel based root solution for Android
- instill-ai/instill-core (2,086s/94f) : 🔮 Instill Core is a full-stack AI infrastructure tool for data, model and pipeline orchestration, designed to streamline every aspect of building versatile AI-first applications
- golang-standards/project-layout (48,734s/5,083f) : Standard Go Project Layout
- TritonDataCenter/pkgsrc-wip (23s/34f) : Conversion of the pkgsrc-wip CVS project
- dbt-labs/dbt-utils (1,342s/491f) : Utility functions for dbt projects.
- eu-digital-identity-wallet/eudi-doc-architecture-and-reference-framework (412s/61f) : The European Digital Identity Wallet
- openwrt/packages (3,964s/3,463f) : Community maintained packages for OpenWrt. Documentation for submitting pull requests is in CONTRIBUTING.md
- typoes/harry-potter-gen-z (591s/144f) : Harry Potter: The Gen Z Edition
- uber-go/guide (15,758s/1,709f) : The Uber Go Style Guide.
- open-telemetry/opamp-spec (103s/33f) : OpAMP Specification
- LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv (2,254s/1,115f) : Just enough OS for KODI
- dbt-labs/dbt-codegen (466s/105f) : Macros that generate dbt code
- chatwork/dockerfiles (31s/11f) :
- ucan-lab/docker-laravel (1,171s/378f) : 🐳 Build a simple laravel development environment with Docker Compose.
- container-storage-interface/spec (1,330s/372f) : Container Storage Interface (CSI) Specification.
- nvm-sh/nvm (79,283s/7,930f) : Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh (172,862s/25,851f) : 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
- aquasecurity/trivy-action (789s/228f) : Runs Trivy as GitHub action to scan your Docker container image for vulnerabilities
- drwetter/testssl.sh (7,915s/1,019f) : Testing TLS/SSL encryption anywhere on any port
- rbenv/rbenv (16,060s/1,390f) : Manage your app's Ruby environment
- chriskempson/base16-shell (158s/34f) : Base16 for Shells
- hq450/fancyss (12,307s/3,176f) : fancyss is a project providing tools to across the GFW on asuswrt/merlin based router.
- dylanaraps/neofetch (21,999s/1,766f) : 🖼️ A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+
- tj/n (18,796s/738f) : Node version management
- YangModels/yang (1,506s/1,193f) : YANG modules from standards organizations such as the IETF, The IEEE, The Metro Ethernet Forum, open source such as Open Daylight or vendor specific modules
- tfutils/tfenv (4,515s/453f) : Terraform version manager
- conda-forge/miniforge (6,239s/323f) : A conda-forge distribution.
- deviantony/docker-elk (17,134s/6,751f) : The Elastic stack (ELK) powered by Docker and Compose.
- nodenv/nodenv (2,228s/139f) : Manage multiple NodeJS versions.
- pi-hole/pi-hole (48,661s/2,675f) : A black hole for Internet advertisements
- aws/aws-mwaa-local-runner (673s/688f) : This repository provides a command line interface (CLI) utility that replicates an Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) environment locally.
- quickemu-project/quickemu (10,537s/460f) : Quickly create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux virtual machines
- bioconda/bioconda-recipes (1,613s/3,223f) : Conda recipes for the bioconda channel.
- pyenv/pyenv-virtualenv (6,301s/398f) : a pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv (a.k.a. python-virtualenv)
- armbian/build (4,034s/2,271f) : Armbian Linux build framework generates custom Debian or Ubuntu image for x86, aarch64, riscv64 & armhf
- github-linguist/linguist (12,190s/4,213f) : Language Savant. If your repository's language is being reported incorrectly, send us a pull request!
- basecamp/kamal (10,513s/398f) : Deploy web apps anywhere.
- ruby/ruby (21,981s/5,311f) : The Ruby Programming Language
- maybe-finance/maybe (30,366s/2,265f) : The OS for your personal finances
- docusealco/docuseal (6,236s/443f) : Open source DocuSign alternative. Create, fill, and sign digital documents ✍️
- dependabot/dependabot-core (4,649s/1,003f) : 🤖 Dependabot's core logic for creating update PRs.
- mastodon/mastodon (46,867s/6,928f) : Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
- Homebrew/homebrew-cask (20,864s/10,684f) : 🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
- Homebrew/homebrew-core (13,657s/12,367f) : 🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
- rubygems/rubygems (3,660s/1,740f) : Library packaging and distribution for Ruby.
- freeCodeCamp/how-to-contribute-to-open-source (8,734s/1,806f) : A guide to contributing to open source
- zammad/zammad (4,386s/742f) : Zammad is a web based open source helpdesk/customer support system
- rails/solid_queue (1,833s/107f) : Database-backed Active Job backend
- department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-api (204s/62f) : API powering VA.gov
- rails/rails (55,763s/21,594f) : Ruby on Rails
- chef/chef (7,588s/2,511f) : Chef Infra, a powerful automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code automating how infrastructure is configured, deployed and managed across any environment, at any scale
- puppetlabs/puppet (7,403s/2,189f) : Server automation framework and application
- activerecord-hackery/ransack (5,659s/799f) : Object-based searching.
- activeadmin/activeadmin (9,478s/3,309f) : The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
- heartcombo/devise (23,942s/5,544f) : Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.
- radix-vue/radix-vue (3,354s/211f) : Vue port of Radix UI Primitives. An open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps.
- nuxt/ui (3,881s/480f) : A UI Library for Modern Web Apps, powered by Vue & Tailwind CSS.
- primefaces/primevue (10,030s/1,198f) : Next Generation Vue UI Component Library
- imsyy/home (3,270s/2,064f) : 个人主页,我的个人主页,个人主页源码,主页模板,homepage
- bastienwirtz/homer (9,182s/777f) : A very simple static homepage for your server.
- modrinth/code (897s/159f) : The Modrinth monorepo containing all code which powers Modrinth!
- serversideup/financial-freedom (1,833s/143f) : 🔥🔥🔥 An open source alternative to Mint, YNAB, and more. Stay on budget and build wealth without sacrificing your privacy.
- wangyuan389/mall-cook (4,988s/1,152f) : 商城低代码平台,可视化搭建H5、小程序多端商城
- inovector/mixpost (1,069s/167f) : Mixpost - Self-hosted social media management software (Buffer alternative)
- YunYouJun/cook (5,017s/316f) : 🍲 好的,今天我们来做菜!OK, Let's Cook!
- TeamPiped/Piped (8,298s/683f) : An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.
- staniel359/muffon (1,312s/55f) : Advanced multi-source music streaming + discovery client for desktop. Free, clean, no login, no ads.
- github-copilot-resources/copilot-metrics-viewer (266s/128f) : Tool to visualize the Copilot metrics provided via the Copilot Business Metrics API (current in public beta)
- radix-vue/shadcn-vue (4,575s/264f) : Vue port of shadcn-ui
- viarotel-org/escrcpy (2,364s/176f) : 📱 Graphical Scrcpy to display and control Android, devices powered by Electron. - 使用图形化的 Scrcpy 显示和控制您的 Android 设备,由 Electron 驱动。
- Lissy93/dashy (17,084s/1,306f) : 🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
- mlc-ai/web-llm (13,011s/818f) : High-performance In-browser LLM Inference Engine
- continuedev/continue (17,289s/1,334f) : ⏩ Continue is the leading open-source AI code assistant. You can connect any models and any context to build custom autocomplete and chat experiences inside VS Code and JetBrains
- freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp (403,126s/37,499f) : freeCodeCamp.org's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
- formbricks/formbricks (6,662s/1,136f) : Open Source Survey Platform
- EvolutionAPI/evolution-api (1,656s/763f) : Evolution API is an open-source WhatsApp integration API
- renovatebot/renovate (17,287s/2,258f) : Home of the Renovate CLI: Cross-platform Dependency Automation by Mend.io
- gitroomhq/postiz-app (7,520s/1,549f) : 📨 Schedule social media posts, measure them, exchange with other members and get a lot of help from AI 🚀
- OpenCTI-Platform/opencti (6,214s/921f) : Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform
- calcom/cal.com (31,655s/7,705f) : Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
- RocketChat/Rocket.Chat (40,192s/10,403f) : The communications platform that puts data protection first.
- appwrite/appwrite (44,039s/3,934f) : Your backend, minus the hassle.
- twentyhq/twenty (16,020s/1,801f) : Building a modern alternative to Salesforce, powered by the community.
- aws/aws-cdk (11,560s/3,873f) : The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
- angular/angular (95,897s/25,334f) : Deliver web apps with confidence 🚀
- ueberdosis/tiptap (26,904s/2,244f) : The headless rich text editor framework for web artisans.
- mfts/papermark (3,487s/428f) : Papermark is the open-source DocSend alternative with built-in analytics and custom domains.
- sst/ion (1,943s/230f) : SST v3
- keephq/keep (3,263s/268f) : The open-source alert management and AIOps platform
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch (64,173s/4,431f) : Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
- microsoft/playwright (66,029s/3,602f) : Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
- expo/expo (33,170s/5,295f) : An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
- backstage/community-plugins (148s/163f) : Community plugins for Backstage
- vikhyat/moondream (4,963s/445f) : tiny vision language model
- GoogleCloudPlatform/generative-ai (6,954s/1,872f) : Sample code and notebooks for Generative AI on Google Cloud, with Gemini on Vertex AI
- aimacode/aima-python (7,969s/3,764f) : Python implementation of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
- GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples (7,385s/6,402f) : Code samples used on cloud.google.com
- Azure/Azure-Sentinel (4,524s/2,966f) : Cloud-native SIEM for intelligent security analytics for your entire enterprise.
- mrdbourke/tensorflow-deep-learning (5,184s/2,549f) : All course materials for the Zero to Mastery Deep Learning with TensorFlow course.
- amanchadha/coursera-deep-learning-specialization (3,059s/2,234f) : Notes, programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the Coursera Deep Learning specialization offered by deeplearning.ai: (i) Neural Networks and Deep Learning; (ii) Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization; (iii) Structuring Machine Learning Projects; (iv) Convolutional Neural Network…
- microsoft/autogen (31,505s/4,580f) : A programming framework for agentic AI 🤖
- langchain-ai/langchain (93,011s/14,942f) : 🦜🔗 Build context-aware reasoning applications
- philschmid/deep-learning-pytorch-huggingface (653s/149f) :
- suno-ai/bark (35,522s/4,175f) : 🔊 Text-Prompted Generative Audio Model
- nlmatics/llmsherpa (1,370s/134f) : Developer APIs to Accelerate LLM Projects
- evidentlyai/evidently (5,196s/581f) : Evidently is an open-source ML and LLM observability framework. Evaluate, test, and monitor any AI-powered system or data pipeline. From tabular data to Gen AI. 100+ metrics.
- Pierian-Data/Complete-Python-3-Bootcamp (27,341s/85,128f) : Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy
- GoogleCloudPlatform/training-data-analyst (7,832s/5,847f) : Labs and demos for courses for GCP Training (http://cloud.google.com/training).
- anthropics/anthropic-cookbook (5,816s/686f) : A collection of notebooks/recipes showcasing some fun and effective ways of using Claude.
- web-platform-tests/wpt (4,937s/3,074f) : Test suites for Web platform specs — including WHATWG, W3C, and others
- Ayushparikh-code/Web-dev-mini-projects (2,607s/1,081f) : The repository contains the list of awesome✨ & cool web development beginner-friendly✌️ projects!
- gustavoguanabara/html-css (13,704s/3,285f) : Curso de HTML5 e CSS3
- windmill-labs/windmill (9,806s/456f) : Open-source developer platform to power your entire infra and turn scripts into webhooks, workflows and UIs. Fastest workflow engine (13x vs Airflow). Open-source alternative to Retool and Temporal.
- edent/SuperTinyIcons (14,615s/881f) : Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos
- alshedivat/al-folio (10,725s/11,029f) : A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics
- docker/awesome-compose (34,070s/6,548f) : Awesome Docker Compose samples
- iam-veeramalla/ansible-zero-to-hero (542s/1,069f) : Repository to learn Ansible from Zero. This repository covers the complete Ansible fundamentals along with examples required for a DevOps Engineer.
- maximevaillancourt/digital-garden-jekyll-template (958s/751f) : Start your own digital garden using this Jekyll template 🌱
- rdkit/rdkit (2,606s/871f) : The official sources for the RDKit library
- ripienaar/free-for-dev (88,839s/9,617f) : A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- gitdagray/css_course (898s/714f) :
- apna-college/Delta (663s/744f) :
- FluxionNetwork/fluxion (4,925s/1,392f) : Fluxion is a remake of linset by vk496 with enhanced functionality.
- trickest/cve (6,485s/820f) : Gather and update all available and newest CVEs with their PoC.
- spring-projects/spring-petclinic (7,623s/23,636f) : A sample Spring-based application
- ayusharma/birthday (936s/2,940f) : A Happy Birthday animation design in CSS3, HTML5
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts (54,119s/3,635f) : Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
- jgthms/bulma (49,210s/3,946f) : Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
- john-smilga/react-projects (4,844s/3,881f) :
- ai/easings.net (7,986s/672f) : Easing Functions Cheat Sheet
- primefaces/primeng (10,282s/4,558f) : The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library
- refact0r/midnight-discord (610s/360f) : A dark, rounded discord theme.
- zero-to-mastery/Animation-Nation (350s/3,470f) : A ZTM Challenge for Hacktoberfest
- fineanmol/Annoying-submit-button (135s/191f) : Annoying Submit Button in React. Give a ⭐️ if you have liked this project and want to support it !
- connorferster/handcalcs (5,594s/427f) : Python library for converting Python calculations into rendered latex.
- primefaces/sakai-react (867s/557f) : Free React Admin Template
- data-engineering-community/data-engineering-wiki (1,346s/144f) : The best place to learn data engineering. Built and maintained by the data engineering community.
- creativetimofficial/vue-material-kit (373s/611f) : Vue Material Kit - Open Source Material Design UI Kit
- mooculus/calculus (136s/429f) :
- rstudio/cheatsheets (5,794s/1,799f) : Posit Cheat Sheets - Can also be found at https://posit.co/resources/cheatsheets/.
- dnl-blkv/mcdowell-cv (2,130s/772f) : A Nice-looking CV template made into LaTeX
- posquit0/Awesome-CV (22,922s/4,769f) : 📄 Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application
- OWASP/www-project-top-10-for-large-language-model-applications (517s/133f) : OWASP Foundation Web Respository
- terryum/awesome-deep-learning-papers (25,416s/4,478f) : The most cited deep learning papers
- latex3/latex2e (1,895s/263f) : The LaTeX2e kernel
- tuna/thuthesis (4,538s/1,076f) : LaTeX Thesis Template for Tsinghua University
- kourgeorge/arxiv-style (1,147s/307f) : A Latex style and template for paper preprints (based on NIPS style)
- exacity/deeplearningbook-chinese (35,664s/9,122f) : Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation
- lib-pku/libpku (30,369s/8,272f) : 贵校课程资料民间整理
- sysprog21/lkmpg (7,552s/509f) : The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide (updated for 5.0+ kernels)
- matze/mtheme (6,378s/842f) : A modern LaTeX Beamer theme
- ToolJet/ToolJet (29,089s/3,622f) : Low-code platform for building business applications. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, Google sheets, OpenAI, etc and build apps using drag and drop application builder. Built using JavaScript/TypeScript. 🚀
- badges/shields (23,549s/5,488f) : Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format
- leonardomso/33-js-concepts (63,274s/8,826f) : 📜 33 JavaScript concepts every developer should know.
- MetaMask/metamask-extension (11,927s/4,877f) : 🌐 🔌 The MetaMask browser extension enables browsing Ethereum blockchain enabled websites
- darkroomengineering/lenis (8,623s/372f) : How smooth scroll should be
- sveltejs/kit (18,507s/1,900f) : web development, streamlined
- TheAlgorithms/JavaScript (32,192s/5,515f) : Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in JavaScript for beginners, following best practices.
- anuraghazra/github-readme-stats (68,617s/22,562f) : ⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
- louislam/uptime-kuma (56,665s/5,100f) : A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
- Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt (11,866s/1,655f) : Zigbee 🐝 to MQTT bridge 🌉, get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges 🔨
- usebruno/bruno (25,776s/1,179f) : Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)
- HabitRPG/habitica (11,871s/4,056f) : A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
- xenova/transformers.js (11,132s/690f) : State-of-the-art Machine Learning for the web. Run 🤗 Transformers directly in your browser, with no need for a server!
- cypress-io/cypress (46,790s/3,167f) : Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
- Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm (23,925s/2,402f) : The all-in-one Desktop & Docker AI application with built-in RAG, AI agents, and more.
- validatorjs/validator.js (23,042s/2,295f) : String validation
- software-mansion/radon-ide (887s/31f) : VSCode extension that turns your editor into a fully fledged IDE for React Native and Expo.
- import-js/eslint-plugin-import (5,499s/1,567f) : ESLint plugin with rules that help validate proper imports.
- Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-JavaScript (42,885s/9,948f) : 30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace. These videos may help too: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7PNRuno1rzYPb1xLa4yktw
- seanprashad/leetcode-patterns (10,025s/1,744f) : A pattern-based approach for learning technical interview questions
- semantic-release/semantic-release (20,636s/1,670f) : 📦🚀 Fully automated version management and package publishing
- adrianhajdin/aora (1,658s/307f) : Build your first mobile application
- github/docs (16,162s/59,409f) : The open-source repo for docs.github.com