Terminal Trainer is a browser-based web application that is designed to provide users an interactive and engaging learning platform for command-line skills. This application simulates a terminal environment within the browser, so that users can practice and reinforce their command-line skills via challenging exercises. Knowledge level is kept in mind, as this app aims to tailor to all different skill levels. If you're looking for extensive technical documentation, please have a look around the wiki!
As someone who loves to mentor others and help them learn, I developed this application with targets of all skill levels in mind. Individuals who are brand new to command-line interfaces will become much more comfortable when navigating around a terminal. Intermediate and experienced users will also find challening exercises that test even their vast knowledge of a CLI. Educators are also a targeted audience, as they can act as administrators to create or manage exercises, track user progress, and manage award badges.
Enables administrators to create, read, update, and delete interactive exercises, specifying the task, difficulty, and any necessary prerequisites.
Grants users the ability to track, view, update, and reset their progress in completing exercises, including their scores, hints used, and time spent.
Allows users to create, read, update, and delete their profiles, complete with progress tracking, achievements, and preferred terminal environment settings.
Allows administrators to create, read, update, and delete achievement badges, awarded to users upon completion of specific tasks, or when reaching milestones.
Provides users with options to customize the appearance of the terminal, enhancing both user experience and accessibility.
Ensures the application is usable by a diverse audience, taking into account various accessibility needs and preferences.
Looking for more to read? Don't forget the wiki!