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etfwtf, by Ariel Kirkwood

Hello! This application is a "work sample" of sorts. I have built it to demonstrate my skills and knowledge with Ruby, the programming language and Rails, the Web framework.

Ruby version

This application runs on Ruby 3.3.0 at a minimum.

System dependencies

This application uses the PostgreSQL database to store and retrieve data.


Configuration can be found in the config/ folder.

Database creation

Run rails db:create to create the database for the relevant environment.

Database initialization

Whether rails db:create has been run or not, rails db:setup will create the database, load schema from db/schema.rb, as well as insert "seed data" into the database via the instructions in db/seeds.rb.

Once the database is seeded, you can run rails holdings:extract to fetch the latest holdings for each fund and save the fund's portfolio to the database.

How to run the test suite

No test suite to run yet.

Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

The only external service that runs as a dependency of etfwtf is trading-calendar, a REST API that provides open/close market status for a few dozen markets.

Deployment instructions

I currently have an instance of trading-calendar deployed to; this works very well for a Docker-based application that needs little to no additional configuration.

For the etfwtf Rails application, I am deploying to a production environment in Heroku, which gives me a little better experience when running post-deploy commands to migrate or seed the database as well as run rails holdings:extract.