Improve usability and clarity of key features in Unity Editor for better workflow!
This Toolbox not only extends functionalities, it does so with the user in mind. Written to be as flexible and optimized as possible. Now you and other programming professionals will be able to create a readable and useful component editor simply by using attributes. You’ll get fast and clear access to data from GameObjects placed in the Scene. Lastly, you’ll gain more control over the Project window. Go ahead, customize those folder icons.
It's worth to mention that prepared drawers are based on the custom, layout-based system. Additionally, I’m leaving you some useful scripts, classes, and functions that facilitate Editor extensions development.
Learn all the details about the main features below.
Unity 2018.x or newer
- Install Editor Toolbox package:
- 1 way: Find Unity Package Manager (Window/Package Manager) and add package using this git URL:
- 2 way: Copy and paste
Assets/Editor Toolbox
directory into your project (Assets/...) + add dependencies - 3 way: Install via OpenUPM registry:
openupm add com.browar.editor-toolbox
- Open Edit/Project Settings/Editor Toolbox window
- If settings file is not found, press the "Refresh" button or create a new one
- Manage settings in your way
- Enable/disable Hierarchy overlay, choose allowed information
- Enable/disable Project icons or/and assign own directories
- Enable/disable Toolbox drawers or/and assign custom drawers
- Enable/disable Toolbox Scene View and assign hotkeys
This package is fully IMGUI-based, which means it may conflict with pure UI Toolkit features in your project. Additionally, Toolbox overwrites the 'base' custom Editor for all UnityEngine.Objects
, it's a common solution but means that you can't combine other Inspector extensions/plugins.
The most important file, allows the user to manage all available features. Can be accessed from the Project Settings window (Edit/Project Settings.../Editor Toolbox) or directly inside the Project window. Make sure to have one valid settings file per project.
Available features are divided into four groups:
- Hierarchy
- Project
- Inspector
- SceneView
Each module is described in its respective section.
If you want to keep your custom settings between UET versions, create your own settings file:
Create/Editor Toolbox/Settings
If you are getting warnings related to the current settings state, it most likely means that some features are not present in your Unity version. I suggest creating your own settings file and adjusting potential issues. Generally, it's always better to use a custom settings file rather than the default one. I'm planning to replace the ScriptableObject-based solution in the future, so it won't be a problem anymore.
Drawers based on built-in classes PropertyDrawer/DecoratorDrawer and associated PropertyAttribute. Regular drawers have priority over Toolbox drawers and they cannot be mixed.
Supported types: string.
public string var1;
Supported types: int, float, double.
[ProgressBar("Name", minValue: 0.0f, maxValue: 100.0f, HexColor = "#EB7D34", IsInteractable = true)]
public float var1 = 80.0f;
Supported types: Vector2, Vector2Int.
[MinMaxSlider(0.5f, 71.7f)]
public Vector2 var1;
Supported types: UnityEngine.Object.
public GameObject var1;
[AssetPreview(useLabel: false)]
public Component var2;
Supported types: all.
public string var1;
Supported types: Enums.
public enum FlagExample
Nothing = 0,
Flag1 = 1,
Flag2 = 2,
Flag3 = 4,
Flag4 = 8,
Flag5 = 16,
Flag6 = 32,
Flag7 = 64,
Flag8 = 128,
Flag9 = 256,
Everything = ~0
public FlagExample enumFlag = FlagExample.Flag1 | FlagExample.Flag2 | FlagExample.Flag6;
Supported types: UnityEngine.Object.
public GameObject var1;
Supported types: string.
public string var1;
Supported types: string.
public string sceneName;
Supported types: all.
Remark: can be used only within classes, structs are not supported.
private readonly int[] presetValues = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
public int presetTarget;
private readonly int[] presetValues = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
private readonly string[] optionLabels = new[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" };
[Preset(nameof(presetValues), nameof(optionLabels))]
public int presetTarget;
Supported types: Enums.
public KeyCode enumSearch;
Supported types: int, float, double.
[Clamp(minValue = 1.5f, maxValue = 11.3f)]
public double var1;
Supported types: string.
public string password;
Supported types: bool.
public bool var1;
Supported types: int, float, double.
public int bigNumber;
Supported types: int.
public int layer;
Supported types: AnimationCurve.
[AnimationCurveSettings(-2, -2, 2, 2, HexColor = "#FFD666")]
public AnimationCurve animationCurve
Supported types: GameObject, Component.
public GameObject var1
Supported types: GameObject, Component.
public GameObject var1
Supported types: GameObject, Component.
public GameObject var1
Supported types: GameObject, Component.
public GameObject var1
Drawers are based on classes inherited from the ToolboxDrawer class and associated ToolboxAttribute. With this powerful custom system you are able to create really flexible drawers. You can use them without limitations (they work with sub-classes and as array children). Every ToolboxDrawer is layout-based. For proper work they need at least one settings file located in your project. You can find predefined one here - Editor Toolbox/EditorSettings.asset
Examples 'How to' create custom ToolboxDrawers you can find HERE.
Display/create something before and after property in the desired order (using Order property).
In fact ToolboxDecoratorDrawers are like extended version of built-in DecoratorDrawers.
Unfortunately, standard decorators won't always work with ToolboxDrawers so try to use this replacement instead.
Each ToolboxDecoratorAttribute has two basic properties Order (indicates the drawing order) and ApplyCondition (determines if decorator will be disabled/hidden along with associated property).
[BeginGroup("Group1", Style = GroupStyle.Round)]
public int var1;
public int var2;
//NOTE: you can use [SpaceArea] to adjust positions between layout elements
[BeginHorizontal(LabelWidth = 50.0f)]
public int var1;
public int var2;
[BeginHorizontalGroup(Label = "Horizontal Group", ControlFieldWidth = true, ElementsInLayout = 2)]
public GameObject gameObject;
public int[] ints;
public int var1;
public int var2;
public int var1;
[SpaceArea(spaceBefore = 10.0f, spaceAfter = 5.0f, Order = 1)]
public int var1;
[Label("My Custom Header", skinStyle: SkinStyle.Box, Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter)]
public int var1;
[Highlight(0, 1, 0)]
public int var1;
[EditorButton(nameof(MyMethod), "<b>My</b> Custom Label", activityType: ButtonActivityType.OnPlayMode, ValidateMethodName = nameof(ValidationMethod))]
public int var1;
private void MyMethod()
Debug.Log("MyMethod is invoked");
private bool ValidationMethod()
return var1 == 0;
[Help("Help information", UnityMessageType.Warning, Order = -1)]
public int var1;
[DynamicHelp(nameof(Message), UnityMessageType.Error)]
public int var2;
public string Message => "Dynamic Message";
[ImageArea("", 150.0f)]
public int var1;
public int veryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongName;
Enable/disable or show/hide properties using custom conditions. You can use them together with any other type of drawer. Every ToolboxConditionDrawer supports boolean, int, string, UnityEngine.Object and enum types and works even with array/list properties. You are able to pass values from fields, properties, and methods.
public string StringValue => "Sho";
[ShowIf(nameof(StringValue), "show")]
public int var1;
public GameObject objectValue;
[HideIf(nameof(objectValue), false)]
public int var2;
public KeyCode enumValue = KeyCode.A;
[EnableIf(nameof(enumValue), KeyCode.A)]
public int var1;
[DisableIf(nameof(GetFloatValue), 2.0f, Comparison = UnityComparisonMethod.GreaterEqual)]
public int var2;
public float GetFloatValue()
return 1.6f;
public int var1;
public int var1;
public int var1;
[ShowDisabledIf(nameof(var1), 3, Comparison = UnityComparisonMethod.LessEqual)]
public int var2;
public int var1;
[HideDisabledIf(nameof(var1), 3, Comparison = UnityComparisonMethod.GreaterEqual)]
public int var2;
public bool boolValue = true;
[ShowWarningIf(nameof(boolValue), false, "Message", DisableField = true)]
public int var1;
[Disable, ReorderableList]
public int[] vars1 = new [] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
This attribute gives a great possibility to extend all reference-related (UnityEngine.Object) fields. Using it you are able to 'inline' Editors for: components, ScriptableObjects, Materials, Renderers, MeshFilters, Textures, AudioClips, etc.
[InLineEditor(DisableEditor = false)]
public Transform var1;
public AudioClip var1;
[InLineEditor(true, true)]
public Material var1;
[InLineEditor(HideScript = false)]
public MyCustomType var1;
Custom implementation of standard ReorderableList (UnityEditorInternal). Usable as an attribute in serialized fields or a single object in custom Editors.
var list = new ReorderableList(SerializedProperty property, string elementLabel, bool draggable, bool hasHeader, bool fixedSize);
[ReorderableList, InLineEditor]
public Canvas[] vars1;
[ReorderableList(ListStyle.Lined, "Item", Foldable = false)]
public List<int> linedStyleList;
public List<string> standardStyleList;
[ReorderableList(ListStyle.Boxed, fixedSize: true)]
public GameObject[] boxedStyleList = new GameObject[4];
[ReorderableListExposed(OverrideNewElementMethodName = nameof(GetValue))]
public int[] list;
private int GetValue()
return list.Length + Random.Range(0, 4);
It's a perfect solution to inspect large arrays/lists and optimize displaying them within the Inspector window.
[ScrollableItems(defaultMinIndex: 0, defaultMaxIndex: 5)]
public GameObject[] largeArray = new GameObject[19];
IgnoreParent allows you to hide the parent's label, foldout arrow and remove the standard indentation for nested fields.
public Quaternion q;
[DynamicRange(nameof(minValue), nameof(MaxValue))]
public float var1;
public float minValue;
public float MaxValue => 15.0f;
[DynamicMinMaxSlider(nameof(minValue), nameof(MaxValue))]
public Vector2 vec2;
public float minValue;
public float MaxValue => 15.0f;
Attributes handled internally by the ToolboxEditor. You can combine them with any other attributes.
[NewLabel("Custom Label")]
public float var1 = 25.4f;
public float var1;
public class SampleClass1
public Material var1;
public KeyCode var2;
public SampleClass2 var3;
public class SampleClass2
public int var1;
public string var2;
public SampleClass1[] vars1;
public SampleClass1 var1;
Using this attribute you are able to implement custom patterns of frequently grouped ToolboxAttributes.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class TitleAttribute : ToolboxArchetypeAttribute
public TitleAttribute(string label)
Label = label;
public override ToolboxAttribute[] Process()
return new ToolboxAttribute[]
new LabelAttribute(Label),
new LineAttribute(padding: 0)
ApplyIndent = true
public string Label { get; private set; }
public int var1;
You can draw properties marked with the [SerializeReference] attribute with an additional type picker that allows you to manipulate what managed type will be serialized. Depending on the picked type we have different object creation strategies:
(default constructor will be called and all readonly members will be initialized)- Target type has default constructor
- Target type is a value type
(object will be uninitialized)- Target type has one or more constructors with arguments
property is set to true
To prevent issues after renaming types use UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating.MovedFromAttribute
[SerializeReference, ReferencePicker(TypeGrouping = TypeGrouping.ByFlatName)]
public ISampleInterface var1;
[SerializeReference, ReferencePicker(ForceUninitializedInstance = true)]
public ISampleInterface var1;
[SerializeReference, ReferencePicker(ParentType = typeof(ClassWithInterface2)]
public ClassWithInterfaceBase var2;
public interface ISampleInterface { }
public struct Struct : ISampleInterface
public bool var1;
public bool var2;
public abstract class ClassWithInterfaceBase : ISampleInterface { }
public class ClassWithInterface1 : ClassWithInterfaceBase
public GameObject go;
public class ClassWithInterface2 : ClassWithInterfaceBase
public bool var1;
public class ClassWithInterface3 : ClassWithInterfaceBase
public int var1;
Unity 2023.x introduced support for serializing generic references. In this case you can serialize generic types or use generics as a base class for your references. ReferencePicker will automatically create all available generic types if the generic definition satisfies the constraints.
#if UNITY_2023_2_OR_NEWER
[SerializeReference, ReferencePicker(TypeGrouping = TypeGrouping.None)]
public IGenericInterface<string> genericString;
[SerializeReference, ReferencePicker(TypeGrouping = TypeGrouping.None)]
public IGenericInterface<int> genericInt;
[SerializeReference, ReferencePicker(TypeGrouping = TypeGrouping.None)]
public IGenericInterface<bool> genericBool;
public interface IGenericInterface<TValue>
TValue Value { get; }
public class GenericInterfaceImplementation<TValue> : IGenericInterface<TValue>
private TValue value;
public TValue Value => value;
You can use few custom context menu operations for the [SerializeReference] fields:
- Copy Serialize Reference: creates a deep copy of the linked reference
- Paste Serialize Reference: allows to paste preserved copy to a field
- Duplicate Serialize Reference: allows to duplicate the linked reference (works only on collection elements)
If you want to create a custom UnityEditor.Editor for your components and still use Toolbox-related features be sure to inherit from the Toolbox.Editor.ToolboxEditor class. More details (e.g. how to customize properties drawing) you can find in the HOWTO document.
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
using UnityEditor.UIElements;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using Toolbox.Editor;
public class SampleEditor : ToolboxEditor
private void OnEnable()
{ }
private void OnDisable()
{ }
public override void DrawCustomInspector()
//for custom properties:
// - ToolboxEditorGui.DrawToolboxProperty(serializedObject.FindProperty("myProperty"));
- Toolbox.Editor.ToolboxEditor: default class, override it if you want to implement a custom Editor for your components and ScriptableObjects
- Toolbox.Editor.ToolboxScriptedImporterEditor: override it if you want to implement a custom Editor for your custom importers
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_Vector1 ("Vector2", Vector) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
_Vector2 ("Vector3", Vector) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[MinMaxSlider(20.0, 165.0)]
_Vector3 ("MinMax Vector", Vector) = (50.0, 55.0, 0.0)
_Float1 ("Float1", Float) = 0.0
[Help(Custom Help Box , 1)]
_Float2 ("Float2", Float) = 0.0
_Float3 ("Float3", Float) = 0.0
[Title(Custom Title, 4)]
_Float ("Float", Float) = 0.5
_ToggleProperty ("Toggle", Int) = 0
_ShowIfExample ("Texture", 2D) = "White" {}
_HideIfExample ("Range", Range(0, 1)) = 0.75
Allows to serialize Types and pick them through a dedicated picker.
[TypeConstraint(typeof(Collider), AllowAbstract = false, AllowObsolete = false, TypeSettings = TypeSettings.Class, TypeGrouping = TypeGrouping.None)]
public SerializedType serializedType;
public void Usage()
System.Type type = serializedType.Type;
Allows to serialize SceneAssets and use them in Runtime.
public SerializedScene serializedScene;
public void Usage()
public SerializedScene serializedScene;
Keep in mind that SerializedScene stores Scene's index, name and path. These properties are updated each time scenes collection in the Build Settings is updated or any SceneAsset is created/removed/reimported.
Unfortunately, you need to handle associated objects reserialization by yourself, otherwise e.g. updated indexes won't be saved. I prepared for you a static event SceneSerializationUtility.OnCacheRefreshed
that can be used to validate SerializedScenes in your project.
You can link SerializedScene in a ScriptableObject and trigger reserialization (EditorUtility.SetDirty()
) if needed, it's really convinient approach.
Allows to serialize and use Dictionaries. The presented class implements the IDictionary interface, so it can be easily used like the standard version.
Requires at least Unity 2020.1.x because of generic serialization and has to be assigned in the Settings file.
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
public SerializedDictionary<int, GameObject> serializedDictionary;
public void Usage()
serializedDictionary.Add(3, new GameObject("TestObject"));
//etc. like standard System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<>
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<int, GameObject> dictionary = serializedDictionary;
Allows to serialize DateTime.
public SerializedDateTime serializedDateTime;
public void Usage()
System.DateTime dateTime = serializedDateTime;
Allows to serialize folders in form of assets and retrieve direct paths in Runtime.
public SerializedDirectory serializeDirectory;
public void Usage()
string path = serializeDirectory.DirectoryPath;
Enable and customize the presented hierarchy overlay in the ToolboxEditorSettings. Basically it provides more data about particular GameObjects directly within the Hierarchy window. Additionally, you can create special 'Header' objects using the '#h' prefix or Create menu: GameObject/Editor Toolbox/Hierarchy Header (by default created object will have EditorOnly tag).
Each row can contain:
- Scripts information
- Layer
- Tag
- Toggle to enable/disable GameObject
- Icon
- Tree Lines
Set custom folder icons in the ToolboxEditorSettings.
Properties that can be edited include:
- XY position and scale of the large icon
- XY position and scale of the small icon
- Path to directory or name (depends on picked item type)
- Optional tooltip
- Large icon
- Small icon
Editor Toolbox/Editor/ToolboxEditorToolbar.cs
Check Examples for more details.
using Toolbox.Editor;
public static class MyEditorUtility
static MyEditorUtility()
ToolboxEditorToolbar.OnToolbarGui += OnToolbarGui;
private static void OnToolbarGui()
if (GUILayout.Button("1", Style.commandLeftStyle))
if (GUILayout.Button("2", Style.commandMidStyle))
if (GUILayout.Button("3", Style.commandMidStyle))
if (GUILayout.Button("4", Style.commandMidStyle))
if (GUILayout.Button("5", Style.commandRightStyle))
Select a specific object that is under the cursor (default key: tab).
In this section you will find various extensions that don't fit into a specific category.
Copy and paste all components from/to particular GameObject.
If you want to create custom wizards and still utilize Toolbox-related features then feel free to use the ToolboxWizard class. Works in similar way to Unity's ScriptableWizard.
Editor Toolbox/Editor/Wizards/ToolboxWizard.cs
Create multiple ScriptableObjects at once. Wizard will allow only ScritpableObjects marked with [Toolbox.Attributes.CreateInWizard] or [UnityEngine.CreateAssetMenu] attributes.
Assets/Create/Editor Toolbox/ScriptableObject Creation Wizard