Client library for Command API.
- Python 2.6 or later:
- jsonrpclib:
Simply add to the Python path.
Usage example:
import CAPIClient
client = CAPIClient.CommandApiClient( <hostname>, <username>, <password> )
res = client.runEnableCmds( [ 'show version',
'show interfaces' ] )
print 'TotalMemory: %d' % res[ 0 ][ 'memTotal' ]
print 'Interfaces: %s' % res[ 1 ][ 'interfaces' ].keys()
et1 = client.interface( 'Ethernet1' )
et1.runConfigCmds( 'description This is Ethernet1')
print et1.status()[ 'description' ]
vlan1 = client.vlan( 1234 )
print vlan1.status()
Version 1.0 has been developed and tested using Python 2.7, but should work on any system supporting Python 2.6 or later. Please reach out to [email protected] for assistance if needed.
Command API is only available starting EOS-4.12.0.
In EOS-4.12.0-3, InterfaceClient.runConfigCmds( ... ) raises ProtocolError for interface ranges. This bug is fixed in later releases.
BSD-3, See LICENSE file