An webGL experiment made with the Awwwards team to share how is possible to do WebVR today ( Optimized for Oculus Rift & Google Cardboard )
Demo -
Awwwards blog entry -
This is a simple way to start to do webVR using three.js, WebVR boilerplate & Web Audio API
It uses THREE.MeshLine created by @thespite
From art to code
- Create 3D Art
- Add lights
- Export on .fbx format
Blender ( is not necessary but I am more confortable working & exporting with Blender )
- Import from Blender ( change -Z forward to Z fordward )
- Optimize ( Group meshes / reduce number of lights / add materials )
- Use Three.js Blender Export to export on JSON format as a scene
Text editor ( Atom )
- Load JSON file with THREE.ObjectLoader and load the assets into our scene
From music to code
- Compress mp3 audio
Text editor ( Atom )
- Load mp3 file with THREE.Audio and added to an 3D Object into the scene ( uses THREE.AudioListener too )
Arturo Paracuellos / @arturitu ( )
Art by Gus T.M & Jessica Travieso ( )
Music by Gus T.M
MIT licensed
Copyright © 2015