This is a Component Object Model (COM) Dynamic-link library (DLL) coded in C# that can be set in Classic ASP using VBscripts "CreateObject" method and allows you to compute PBKDF2 hashes.
PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) is key derivation function with a sliding computational cost, aimed to reduce the vulnerability of encrypted keys to brute force attacks. RFC 8018 recommends PBKDF2 for password hashing
Uses CryptoHelper (a Standalone password hasher for ASP.NET Core using a PBKDF2 implementation) by henkmollema
Also see:
For a Classic ASP password hashing class that uses this COM DLL, see:
Make sure you have the lastest .NET Framework installed (tested on .NET Framework 4.7.2)
Open IIS, go to the applicaton pools and open the application pool being used by your Classic ASP application. Check the .NET CRL version E.g: v4.0.30319
Navigate to the CRL folder E.g: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
Copy over: ClassicASP.PBKDF2.dll, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.Internal.dll and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.KeyDerivation.dll
Run CMD as administrator
Change the directory to your CRL folder E.g: cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
Run the following command: RegAsm ClassicASP.PBKDF2.dll /tlb /codebase
Set PBKDF2 = Server.CreateObject("ClassicASP.PBKDF2")
' Generate a hash with default parameters (iterations = 10000, algorithm = sha1, saltBytes = 16, keyLength = 32)
' Custom parameters (algorithms supported are: sha1, sha256 and sha512)
PBKDF2.Hash("myPassword", int iterations, string algorithm, int saltBytes, int keyLength)
' Verify a hash (the PBKDF2 parameters are contained within the base64 hash string)
PBKDF2.Verify("myPassword","AQAAAAIAAHUwAAAAEHhMDmEV5UBQt7PP/Da/ughVC2xxpluFxBi7tsseMgD/uVovJw+cY4xrXftimQbYng==") ' True / False
Password: myPassword
Time to execute: 0.1992s
PBKDF2 Verified: True
Time to execute: 0.2656s