This is a mobile app where smart fuel filling station users will use to access it services.
- Node - version 18+
- React-Native - 0.68+
- React - 17.0+
- Expo - 45.0+
- React-Native Documetation - Expo CLI Quickstart
Clone this repository to your local machine after following the above instruction.
git clone
Install project dependencies
npm install
Install ngrok so you can host your local service ie Web app
- After installing ngrok start your web app local and run the following command
ngrok http
- Copy a url generated by ngrok command.
Copy .env.example to .env and add url generated by ngrok
Install Expo Go app for ios or Adroid.
- Android Play Store - Android Lollipop (5) and greater
- iOS App Store - iOS 11 and greater
-After install expo go app, Connect you phone to you computer using usb as explained in Environment setup.
Now you can start your app
npm start
- GNU General - License