This repository contains a ROS2 multi-robot 3D LIDAR SLAM system based on the hdl_graph_slam package. The system is tested on ROS2 humble and it is actively developed.
Check out a video of the system in action on YouTube:
- Multi-Robot Graph SLAM using LIDAR
The repositories that will be cloned with the vcs tool are:
- mrg_slam - Multi-Robot Graph SLAM using LIDAR based on hdl_graph_slam
- mrg_slam_msgs - ROS2 message interfaces for mrg_slam
- mrg_slam_sim - Gazebo simulation for mrg_slam for testing purposes
- small_gicp - Point cloud registration library, successor of fast_gicp
- fast_gicp - Fast GICP library for scan matching
- ndt_omp - Normal Distributions Transform (NDT) library for scan matching
The system is described in detail in the paper titled "Multi-Robot Graph SLAM using LIDAR". The processing pipeline follows the following diagram:
Feel free to open an issue if you have any questions or suggestions.
- OpenMP
- g2o
- suitesparse
The following ROS packages are required:
- geodesy
- nmea_msgs
- pcl_ros
We use the vcs tool to clone the repositories. If you have ROS2 installed, you should be able to sudo apt install python3-vcstool
. If not check out the vcstool installation guide. Then run the following commands:
git clone
cd Multi-Robot-Graph-SLAM
mkdir src
vcs import src < mrg_slam.repos
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select small_gicp # build small_gicp first since it is not a ROS package
source install/setup.bash
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash
On memory limited systems, you need to export the MAKEFLAGS export MAKEFLAGS="-j 2"
to limit the maximum number of threads used for a specific package using make
. Then, use colcon build --symlink-install --parallel-workers 2 --executor sequential
The docker user has the id and gid 1000 (default linux user) and is called ros_user
. If you experience issues seeing the topics from the docker container, you might need to change the user id in the Dockerfile to your user id.
The mrg_slam
Docker is periodically built and pushed to the my Docker Hub. To pull the docker image, run the following command:
docker pull aserbremen/mrg_slam_humble # for ROS2 humble
docker pull aserbremen/mrg_slam_jazzy # for ROS2 jazzy
In order to build your local workspace into a docker container, including your own code/changes, you can run the following command:
cd Multi-Robot-Graph-SLAM
docker build -f docker/humble_local/Dockerfile -t mrg_slam . # for ROS2 humble
docker build -f docker/jazzy_local/Dockerfile -t mrg_slam . # for ROS2 jazzy
You should be able to communicate with the docker container from the host machine, see Usage section below.
Real world info!!! If you use mrg_slam
on real robots, I strongly recommend using the ROS2 Jazzy version and rmw_zenoh as the middleware. I have performed tests with two rovers using ROS2 Humble + DDS or ROS2 Jazzy + DDS, and communication between the mrg_slam
nodes repeatedly failed. The rmw_zenoh
middleware under ROS2 Jazzy has shown to be reliable in this context.
For more detailed information on the SLAM components check out the of the mrg_slam package.
The SLAM can be launched using the default config file config/mrg_slam.yaml of the mrg_slam
package with the following command:
ros2 launch mrg_slam
Launch the SLAM node with the command below. The parameter model_namespace
is going to be used to namespace all the topics and services of the robot. Additionally, the initial pose in the map frame x
, y
, z
, roll
, pitch
, yaw
(radians) can be supplied via the command line. Check out the launch file and the config file mrg_slam.yaml for more parameters. The main point cloud topic necessary is model_namespace/velodyne_points
. Per Default the model namespace is atlas
and use_sim_time
is set to true
ros2 launch mrg_slam model_namespace:=atlas x:=0.0 y:=0.0 z:=0.0 roll:=0.0 pitch:=0.0 yaw:=0.0
Many packages use hard-coded frames such as odom
or base_link
without a namespace. If you want to run the SLAM node without a namespace, you need to set the model_namespace
to an empty string in the mrg_slam.yaml file. Note that you can't pass an empty string as the model_namespace
via the command line, so you must to set it directly in the configuration. Then, you can launch the SLAM node with the following command:
ros2 launch mrg_slam x:=0.0 y:=0.0 z:=0.0 roll:=0.0 pitch:=0.0 yaw:=0.0
During visualization for naming the keyframes, the robot name will be displayed as ""
if no namespace is set.
I have tested the SLAM with online point cloud data from a Velodyne VLP16 LIDAR. The velodyne driver will be launched together with the SLAM node by passing the config
parameter to the launch script. The configuration file mrg_slam_velodyne_VLP16.yaml
is located in the config
folder of the package.
ros2 launch mrg_slam config:=mrg_slam_velodyne_VLP16.yaml
You can also supply your own configuration file. The launch script will look for the configuration file in the share directory of the package. If you add a new configuration to the config
folder, you need to rebuild the package.
If you want to run the SLAM node inside a docker container, make sure that the docker container can communicate with the host machine. For example, environment variables like ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY or ROS_DOMAIN_ID should not set or should be correctly set on the host and docker system. Assuming you use the pulled aserbremen/mrg_slam_humble
docker run the following command with your desired parameters:
docker run -it --rm --network=host --ipc=host --pid=host -e MODEL_NAMESPACE=atlas -e X=0.0 -e Y=0.0 -e Z=0.0 -e ROLL=0.0 -e PITCH=0.0 -e YAW=0.0 -e USE_SIM_TIME=true -e INIT_ODOM_TOPIC=/atlas/odom --name atlas_slam aserbremen/mrg_slam_humble
For convenience, I created a compose.yaml file which can be used to run the SLAM node inside a docker container. The docker compose binds the mrg_slam.yaml config and the launch file of your local workspace, i.e. your src
folder. Take a look at the environment variables in the .env file and the parameters set in the compose.yaml file before using docker compose up
. The docker-compose
command will launch the SLAM node with ROS2 parameters and launch file from your workspace. This is useful if you don't want to run the standard configuration of the docker image.
cd docker
docker compose up
I have supplied a demo bag file for testing purposes which can be downloaded from here. The bag file contains the data of two robots atlas
and bestla
moving in the simulated marsyard environment, demonstrated in the video above. Note that the bags are not exactly the same as in the video, but they are similar❕ The topics are as follows:
# not used in the SLAM node but given for reference/atlas/odom_ground_truth
# not used in the SLAM node but given for reference/bestla/odom_ground_truth
Note that you need two instances of the SLAM algorithm for atlas
and bestla
. The initial poses need to be given roughly. You should end up with a similar looking result as demonstrated in the youtube video.
ros2 launch mrg_slam model_namespace:=atlas x:=-15 y:=13.5 z:=1.2 # terminal 1 for atlas
ros2 launch mrg_slam model_namespace:=bestla x:=-15 y:=-13.0 z:=1.2 # terminal 2 for bestla
To play the bag file, run the following command:
ros2 bag play rosbag2_marsyard_dual_robot_demo
Alternatively to playing back the ROS2 bag, you can simulate a gazebo environment and test the multi-robot SLAM manually. Check out the repository mrg_slam_sim for testing out the multi-robot SLAM implementation in a simulated environment using Gazebo (tested on Fortress). Note that this approach might need a bit more computational resources than the playback of the rosbag.
Visualize the SLAM result with the following command. The rviz configuration is configured for the robot names atlas
and bestla
rviz2 -d path/to/mrg_slam/rviz/mrg_slam.rviz --ros-args -p use_sime_time:=true # use_sim_time when working with robags or gazebo
Save the graph of the robot atlas
to a directory for inspection with the following command:
ros2 service call /atlas/mrg_slam/save_graph mrg_slam_msgs/srv/SaveGraph "{directory: /path/to/save}"
The directory will contain a keyframes
folder with detailed information about the keyframes and a .pcd
per keyframe. The edges
folder contains .txt
files with the edge information. Additionally, the g2o
folder contains the g2o graph files.
The graph can be loaded from the directory which was previously saved with the save_graph
service call. The graph is loaded into the SLAM node and the unique IDs of the keyframes are used to only add unknown keyframes to the graph.
For the robot name atlas
ros2 service call /atlas/mrg_slam/load_graph mrg_slam_msgs/srv/LoadGraph "{directory: /path/to/load}"
Note that loaded keyframes when visualized have a certain string added to the name to distinguish them from the keyframes that were added during the SLAM process. Right now (loaded)
is added to the name of the keyframe.
Save the map of the robot atlas
to a .pcd
file. If no resolution is given, the full resolution map is saved. Otherwise a voxel grid map with the given resolution is saved. Note that in comparison to the save_graph
service call, the full file_path
needs to be given.
ros2 service call /atlas/mrg_slam/save_map mrg_slam_msgs/srv/SaveMap "{file_path: /path/to/save/map.pcd, resolution: 0.1}"
Inspect the map with the pcl_viewer pcl_viewer /path/to/save/map.pcd
If you have a pre-built map, you can use the mrg_slam_static_keyframe_provider
package to provide keyframes to the SLAM instances. Check out the pagacke mrg_slam_static_keyframe_provider for more information.
If you use this package in your research, please cite the following paper:
title={Multi-Robot Graph SLAM Using LIDAR},
author={Serov, Andreas and Clemens, Joachim and Schill, Kerstin},
booktitle={2024 10th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA)},
Address = {Athens, Greece},
- 2025-01-07: Added ROS2 Jazzy Dockerfiles to this repository and images to the Docker Hub.
- 2024-12-09: Introduced unique IDs (
) for each SLAM instance, which are generated at the start of the SLAM node. Reworked loop closure detection to properly consider candidates when loading and exchanging graphs between SLAM instances. - 2024-12-09: Started manually tagging the docker containers with (1.0.0).
- 2024-11-12: Added small_gicp as a successor of fast_gicp to Multi-Robot Graph SLAM
- 2024-11-06: Added the
package to provide keyframes to the SLAM instances, see mrg_slam_static_keyframe_provider