frontend added -
backend -
MERN app
- Reactjs
- Nodejs
Project Overview The Hotel Management System is a comprehensive web application designed to streamline the management of hotel operations. Built with React on the frontend and Express.js on the backend, this system provides an efficient and user-friendly interface for managing hotel data, including restaurant details and menu items.
Frontend Features
- State Management: Use Redux to manage the application's state, including restaurant data and search term.
- Action Creators and Reducers: Implement action creators (addRestaurant, deleteRestaurant, updateRestaurant, searchRestaurant) and corresponding reducers to handle state changes.
- Navigation: Use react-router-dom for navigation between different components (e.g., Restaurant List, Add Restaurant).
- Controlled Components: Manage form input values using state to control form elements.
- Validation: Add validation rules for form inputs to ensure correct data entry.
- Components:
- RestaurantList: Display a paginated list of restaurants with search functionality.
- EditRestaurant: Provide a form for editing restaurant details with input validation.
- EditModal: Display a modal for editing restaurant details.
- Styling: Use Tailwind CSS for styling components, providing a responsive and modern UI.
- API Integration: Create utility functions (getData, postData) to interact with backend APIs.
- Constants: Define constants for API endpoints (e.g., DELETE_DATA, GET_DATA, UPDATE_DATA).
- Pagination: Implement pagination to manage large datasets, displaying a limited number of Hotel Management System Project Report records per page.
- Search Functionality: Implement search functionality to filter restaurants by name.
- Image Uploading Feature: Allow users to upload images for restaurant entries.
Backend Features
- Server Setup: Set up an Express.js server to handle API requests.
- Routes: Define routes for CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on restaurant data.
- CRUD Operations:
- Create: Implement API endpoints to add new restaurants.
- Read: Implement API endpoints to retrieve restaurant data, including search and pagination.
- Update: Implement API endpoints to update existing restaurant details.
- Delete: Implement API endpoints to delete restaurants.
- Middleware:
- Error Handling: Implement middleware for error handling and validation.
- Body Parsing: Use middleware to parse JSON request bodies.
- Input Validation: Validate incoming data to ensure it meets the required criteria before processing.
- Image Uploading Feature: Implement middleware for handling image uploads using Multer. Ensure images are processed and stored correctly on the server
Extract zip file
Open in vscode , code .
cd backend
npm i
npm run dev
cd frontend
npm i
npm run dev