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@GFG-CLUB-KIIT @Lets-Codee

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Hi there 👋

This is Ashish Kumar Mishra. I am an earnest techie with keen interest in every new updates that come up everyday. I love being hardworking and dedicated to whatever I take up as a task. Web development attracts me the most. And I also have some basic idea in android. Apart from that I also have knowledge on SEO.The last one year has been an amazing experience. The journey of my BTech years has started with these new experiences and I felt a keen interest growing in me. Getting to learn these things have always been worth it. But this is just the beginning. I am always brushing up my skills more to attain perfection. Looking forward to gather more knowledge and being more accurate in my field.

About Me

  • 🔭 I’m currently working as freelance WEB DEVELOPER & also member of GFG-KIIT
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Android Development using JAVA and FLUTTER
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Web & Android Projects
  • 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
  • ☎ Call me: +91-8822161061

💻 My Work Space

[OS] [Processor] [RAM] [gpu]

Connect with me

portfolio resume linked-in github gmail instagram

🛠️ Skills


typescript javascript python dart c++ c Java

Front-End Development

next react redux react-router material-ui pwa chakra-ui tailwind-css storybook graphql graphql html css sass bootstrap jquery

Deep Learning / Artificial Intelligence

tensorflow Keras R Jupyter

Cross Platform Development

flutter electron reactnative

Backend as a Service (BaaS)

firebase vercel heroku netlify

Design Tools

adobe-xd figma canva


mocha jest pytest

📈 Stats

profile trophies


Show some ❤️ by starring some of the repositories!

Pinned Loading

  1. next-gen-ui next-gen-ui Public template

    TypeScript 25 6

  2. music-bot music-bot Public

    JavaScript 1

  3. E-VedaApp E-VedaApp Public


  4. Sentiment-Analysis-Using-CNN-ELM Sentiment-Analysis-Using-CNN-ELM Public

    Jupyter Notebook 1

  5. GFG-KIIT-website GFG-KIIT-website Public

    Forked from GFG-CLUB-KIIT/GFG-KIIT-website

    Geeksforgeeks Website


  6. ramanujar-donation ramanujar-donation Public

    Forked from nitish-rider/Ramanujar-Donation-Android-App

    Java 1