These components are built using StencilJS.
StencilJS is a compiler that generates Web Components that don't need any frameworks to run as they are just Custom Elements.
You can see an example here in a JSFiddle.
You can also see an example which modifies the data and corners of the triangle with angular. Example here in JSFiddle.
I have also created a simple component called dashboard-element-container which is a collapsible box and added a "slot" in it.
This slot allows for me to transclude other items into it, including other components.
Here is an example where the two components are being used together. JSFiddle.
To install this to an existing web project you can use NPM.
To install with NPM please use the following command
npm install @paulandrewc/stencil-components --save
Then include the following files in any web output:
And any files in the following folder
NOTE:- this folder must be in the same location as the js file and have the same name.
You can now just add the stenci-component.js to your html with a script tag similar to below:
<script src="..\js\stencil-components.js"></script>
Once the Javascript is included all you need to do is add the component tag to the body and it will add the component.
You should now be able to see a triangle on the page.
To create a very simple test website follow these steps.(you will need to have node and npm installed)
- Create a new folder to hold your project.
- Now open powershell in this folder.
- Create default package.json
npm init --yes
- Install the package. (The save parameter will add it to your dependencies.)
- Serve and copyfiles will be used for this example but are not dependencies of the package.
npm install @paulandrewc/stencil-components --save
npm install serve -g --save
npm install copyfiles --save
- Create a simple HTML page called index.html in a www folder.
mkdir www
new-item www\index.html
- Change the package.json to make the "scripts" object the same as below.
- This adds a copyjs command which will copy in the javascript files from the npm package.
- This also adds a "start" command that will run the copy and serve the website on port 5001.
"name": "Stencil-Components-TestPage",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"start" : "npm run copyjs && serve www -p 5001",
"copyjs" : "copyfiles -f node_modules/@paulandrewc/stencil-components/dist/stencil-components.js www/js && copyfiles -f node_modules/@paulandrewc/stencil-components/dist/stencil-components/*.js www/js/stencil-components",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@paulandrewc/stencil-components": "^1.0.0"
- Change the index.html to be the following.
- The script tag points to where the copyjs task will put the javascript file.
- The tag "ternary-graph" will add the component to the page.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<script src="..\js\stencil-components.js"></script>
Congrats!! The website should now be running on port 5001.
Browse to localhost:5001 and you should see the ternary-graph component which is a red blue and green triangle.