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Deploy your HTML5 web or desktop applications with ease. Emanator can help you create custom project integration processes to deploy HTML5 web applications as well as standalone desktop applications using NWJS.

In addition to being an exceptionally useful tool for day-to-day utilities, emanator offers following application build targets:

  • Windows

    • Portable ZIP archive (Nodejs)
    • Portable ZIP archive (NWJS)
    • InnoSetup 6 EXE installer (NWJS)
  • Linux

    • Portable ZIP archive (Nodejs)
    • Portable ZIP archive (NWJS)
  • Mac OS

    • Portable ZIP archive (Nodejs)
    • Portable ZIP archive (NWJS)
    • DMG disk image installer

Some of the key features of the Emanator include:

  • Task-driven approach to create sequential or parallel execution pipelines.
  • Async-oriented environment
  • Instant access to modules included with the Emanator (see below), while also being able to use local node_modules included within your project (if any)
  • Convenient shell access as well as utility functions allowing you to download, extract, compress and perform variety of other operations usually needed in build processes.


Emanator requires minimum Nodejs 14. You can install emanator as follows:

Via NPM: npm install -g emanator

Via Github:

git clone
cd emanator
npm link

Installing via Github allows you to stay on top of latest changes in the master branch.

Command Line Flags

  • --version - Prints currently installed version of the emanator.
  • --clean - Erase temporary folders and cache before starting the build process
  • --serve - Starts HTTP server serving current folder as static files. When --serve is specified, you can use --port=8080 to bind the server to a specific port (default 8080) and --host=* (or --host= to bind the server to all interfaces.

Windows-specific Flags

  • --innosetup - build InnoSetup installer
  • --nopackage - skip archival process if forced in the Emanator constructor options
  • --sign - sign the InnoSetup installer with your PFK


Emanate script should be located in the root of your project with the file named EMANATE or .emanate.

Before invoking the Emanate script, Emanator preloads various modules and invokes the script inside of an async function. This wrapping provides instant access to various preloaded modules as well as removes the requirement to define custom async wrapper (typically done in async Nodejs applications).


Documentation on this site assumes that you are running under unix-compatible OS (i.e have acces to bash shell). If you are running Windows, it is recommended to install MSys2, Git for Windows or similar suites.

A barebone EMANATE script

const E = new Emanator();
const version = E.flags.version || 'v14.8.8';
const folder = `node-${version}-${E.PLATFORM_ARCH}`;
const file = `${folder}.${E.NODE_ARCHIVE_EXTENSION}`;
await`${version}/${file}`, E.TEMP);
await E.decompress(path.join(E.TEMP,file), E.HOME);
await E.spawn([`${path.join(E.HOME,folder,'bin',E.BINARY('node')}`,``],{ cwd });

Emanator node_module handling

When running Emanate scripts, Emanator adds a local node_modules folder as the first entry in the require() search path. Subsequently, before performing a standard require() module search/resolution, modules will be searched for in a local node_modules.



flags is a javascript object generated from command line arguments as follows:

  • presence of a simple flag with -- prefix such as --some-option will be treated as a boolean
  • presence of an assignment such as --version=1.5 will be available as a string Example: emanate --optimize --version=1.5 will yield the following flags object:
    "optimize" : true,
    "version" : "1.5"


argv is an array of command-line arguments supplied to the Emanator when running emanate scripts. For example: running emanate build package will yield argv as ['build','package']

External Modules

Native Modules

  • process
  • os
  • path

Native Functions

  • exec(command[, options][, callback])
  • execSync(command[, options])
  • execFile(file[, args][, options][, callback])
  • _spawn(command[, args][, options]) (alias for native child_process.spawn())
  • setInterval
  • clearInterval
  • setTimer
  • clearTimer

Emanator Interface

const E = new Emanator(__dirname, {
	type : 'NWJS',
	guid : 'c5072045-6d98-44d8-9aa5-e9be6c79bd01',
	group : 'MyWindowsStartMenuGroup',
	ident : 'my-app',
	title : 'My App',
	banner : 'my app',
	git : '[email protected]:my-org/my-app',
	author : "My Inc.",
	url : "",
	archive : true,
	production: true,
	nwjs : { version : '0.46.2', ffmpeg : true },
	resources : 'resources/setup',
		return manifest;

In most emanator scripts, Emanator class is instantiated as a capital letter E.

Option Object

  • type - should contain one of the following reserved project types: NODE, NWJS, UTIL, DOC; if used for utility purposes, can contain any user-defined type.
  • guid - should contain a project GUID that will be used to identify the applicaton on Windows. For example: c5012045-6a98-44d8-9a85-e9be6379bd01
  • group - My Software Group Windows Start Menu folder in which your application will reside
  • ident - Application identifier my-app
  • title - My App Title
  • banner - my app banner (ascii banner displayed at startup)
  • git - [email protected]:my-org/my-app
  • author - "My Inc."
  • url -,
  • archive
  • production
  • nwjs - should contain required NWJS installer version. For example: nwjs : { version : '0.46.2', ffmpeg : true }. If ffmpeg property is set to true Emanator will download and overwrite ffmpeg shared libraries included as a part of NWJS with GPL-licensed ffmpeg libraries.
  • resources - should point to resource folder containing resources needed by Installers (images, icons etc)
  • manifest - can be set to a custom function receiving and returning the project manifest data. The function has the following signature: (manifest) => { return manifest; }. This function is useful to modify project manifest (for example, include extra node module dependencies) during the build process.

Emanator task pipeline

Emanator offers creation of multiple inter-dependent tasks that can be executed asynchronously if various integration stages are independent of one another.

task(name [, dependencies], handler)

  • name - task name
  • [dependencies] - an array of tasks that should be completed before this task starts
  • handler - a function that will be executed when dependent tasks are complete

Declare a custom task.

Task handler function can have one of the following signatures:

  • Promise function() you can return a promise that should be resolved upon task completion.
  • void function(callback) you can invoke the supplied callback, in which case you must not return a promise.


  • name - task name

Run a specific task with its dependencies.

Control functions


Read the project manifest file (package.json) synchronously, making the contents accessible as an object under E.pkg property. This is useful when contents of the package.json are required before execution of a pipeline.


  • ident- project identifier (used in archive file and folder names)
  • type- project type. Currently used NODE,NWJS,UTIL
  • PROJECT_VERSION - version of the project used to initialize the Emanator object.
  • PLATFORM- target platform identifier: windows, linux, darwin
  • ARCH - target architexture identifier: x64, arm7
  • BINARY_EXT - set to '.exe' on Windows, otherwise an empty string ''
  • WINCMD_EXT - set to '.cmd' on Windows, otherwise an empty string ''
  • PLATFORM_PATH_SEPARATOR - platform-specific path delimiter (/ on Unix-compatible OS, '' on Windows)
  • NODE_VERSION - currently running Node version
  • NWJS_VERSION - project-configured NWJS version
  • NPM - npm script location
  • HOME - absolute path to the current user home folder
  • NWJS_ARCHIVE_EXTENSION - OS-specific archive extension used in NWJS releases
  • NODE_ARCHIVE_EXTENSION - OS-specific archive extension used in Nodejs releases



Return Value:

  • Unix: returns filename unchanged
  • Windows: appends .exe to the filename

download(url, folder)

Downloads a file at the destination URL to a folder. Downloaded filename is derived from the URL.


Extracts archive to the destination folder based on file extension.

TAR files:

Uses tar to extract. (Requires unix compatibility layer on Windows)

ZIP files:

  • Windows: uses AdmZip (no progress)
  • Unix: uses unzip

spawn(command[, args][, options])

  • command <string> The command to run.
  • args <string[]> List of string arguments.
  • options <Object>
  • Returns: Promise (child process termination)

Spawns a child process. Returns a promise that will be resolved upon the child process termination.

This function is an async wrapper of the native Nodejs Child Process spawn() function with following differences:

  • options object can contain stdout property referencing a function that will receive process stdout output.

  • First element of the arguments parameter must be the porocess filename.


  • stdout :


await E.spawn(['node','-v'])


Property Description
RELEASE <emanator>/<org>/
TOOLS <emanator>/tools/
DEPS <emanator>/deps/
SETUP <project>/setup/<platform>-<arch>
ROOT comprised of <emanator>/<org>/<project> if git URL is configured, <emanator>/<ident> if not.
TEMP <emanator>/<org>/temp/
DMG <emanator>/<org>/DMG/
REPO default:<project> production:<repo>
  • <emanator> - default location: <home-folder>/emanator
  • <project> - project root, location of the EMANATE file
  • <org> - organization, derived from the git property
  • <ident> - ident property supplied to the Emanator() constructor
  • <platform> - target platform name: windows, linux, darwin
  • <arch> - target architecture: x64, arm7

Nodejs Integration Pipeline

  • init
  • manifest-read
  • create-folders
  • manifest-write
  • npm-install
  • npm-update
  • node-modules
  • node-binary
  • origin

NWJS Integration Pipeline

  • init
  • manifest-read
  • create-folders
  • manifest-write
  • npm-install
  • npm-update
  • nwjs-sdk-download
  • nwjs-ffmpeg-download
  • nwjs-download
  • nwjs-sdk-unzip
  • nwjs-ffmpeg-unzip
  • nwjs-unzip
  • unlink-nwjs-app
  • nwjs-copy
  • nwjs-ffmpeg-copy
  • nwjs-cleanup
  • node-modules
  • node-binary
  • origin



Provides interface to the 7z archiver - functions for compression and decompression using 7z

  • exec7zArchive(folder, archive[, options]) - create 7z archive from a folder
    • folder - source folder to archive from
    • archive - archive filename
    • options - Can contain following options: level compression level (must be a numeric value in range of 1..9); silent set to true to enable running 7z in silent mode (--bb0).
  • createSFX(options) - create .EXE Self-extracting archive (SFX)
    • options can contain the following properties:
      • script
      • elevate
      • title
      • folder
      • wait
      • args









Utility functions












Platform targets



Mac OS


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