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Pulled develop into feature/validation_tables to work with a more upd…
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Reagen committed Apr 12, 2020
2 parents 054221e + 6de0f6d commit 3e85dc7
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Showing 10 changed files with 283 additions and 40 deletions.
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions Metallicity_Stack_Commons/
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import getpass
import numpy as np

version = "0.5.0"
version = "0.6.0"

lambda0 = [3726.18, 4101.73, 4340.46, 4363.21, 4861.32, 4958.91, 5006.84]
line_type = ['Oxy2', 'Balmer', 'Balmer', 'Single', 'Balmer', 'Single', 'Single']
line_name = ['OII_3727', 'HDELTA', 'HGAMMA', 'OIII_4363', 'HBETA', 'OIII_4958', 'OIII_5007']
line_name = ['OII_3727', 'HDELTA', 'HGAMMA', 'OIII_4363', 'HBETA', 'OIII_4958',

line_name_short = {"OII": line_name[0], "4363": line_name[3],
"HB": line_name[4], "OIII": line_name[-1]}

fitting_lines_dict = {"lambda0": lambda0, "line_type": line_type, "line_name": line_name}

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from astropy.table import Table
import numpy as np

from . import k_dict
from .. import k_dict

HgHb_CaseB = 0.468 # Hg/Hb ratio for zero reddening

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54 changes: 34 additions & 20 deletions Metallicity_Stack_Commons/analysis/
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from import ascii as asc
from astropy.table import Table

from ..temp_metallicity_calc import metallicity_calculation
from .temp_metallicity_calc import metallicity_calculation
from .. import OIII_r
from ..column_names import bin_names0, indv_names0, temp_metal_names0
from ..column_names import filename_dict

ID_name = indv_names0[0]
bin_ID_name = bin_names0[0]

logR23_name = indv_names0[1]
logO32_name = indv_names0[2]
two_beta_name = indv_names0[5]
three_beta_name = indv_names0[6]

def main(fitspath, dataset, revised=False, det3=True):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,6 +62,13 @@ def main(fitspath, dataset, revised=False, det3=True):
bin_id = composite_table['bin_ID'].data
bin_temp = composite_table['T_e'].data

# Read in validation table
valid_file = join(fitspath, dataset, filename_dict['bin_valid'])
if not exists(valid_file):
print("ERROR: File not found! "+valid_file)
valid_table =

# Define [indv_em_line_file]
indv_em_line_file = join(fitspath, dataset, filename_dict['indv_prop'])
if not exists(indv_em_line_file):
Expand All @@ -78,34 +90,36 @@ def main(fitspath, dataset, revised=False, det3=True):
# Populate composite temperature for individual galaxies
adopted_temp = np.zeros(len(indv_em_line_table))
bin_id_indv = np.zeros(len(indv_em_line_table))
for comp_bin, comp_temp in zip(bin_id, bin_temp):
detect_indv = np.zeros(len(indv_em_line_table))
for comp_bin, comp_temp, detect in zip(bin_id, bin_temp, valid_table['Detection']):
bin_idx = np.where(indv_bin_info_table['bin_ID'].data == comp_bin)[0]
adopted_temp[bin_idx] = comp_temp
bin_id_indv[bin_idx] = comp_bin
detect_indv[bin_idx] = detect

O2 = indv_em_line_table['OII_3727_Flux_Gaussian'].data # [OII]3726,3728 fluxes
O3 = indv_em_line_table['OIII_5007_Flux_Gaussian'].data # [OIII]5007 fluxes
O3 = O3 * (1+1/OIII_r) # Scale to include OIII4959; Assume 3.1:1 ratio
Hb = indv_em_line_table['HBETA_Flux_Gaussian'].data # H-beta fluxes

O2 = indv_em_line_table['OII_3727_Flux_Gaussian'].data # [OII]3726,3728 fluxes
O3 = indv_em_line_table['OIII_5007_Flux_Gaussian'].data * OIII_r # [OIII]4959,5007 fluxes (Assume 3.1:1 ratio)
Hb = indv_em_line_table['HBETA_Flux_Gaussian'].data # H-beta fluxes
two_beta = O2/Hb
three_beta = O3/Hb
logR23 = np.log10(two_beta + three_beta)
logO32 = np.log10(O3/O2)

if det3:
com_O_log, metal_dict = metallicity_calculation(adopted_temp, O2/Hb, O3/Hb)
if not det3:
metal_dict = metallicity_calculation(adopted_temp, O2/Hb, O3/Hb)
det3 = np.where((indv_bin_info_table['Detection'] == 1.0) | (indv_bin_info_table['Detection'] == 0.5))[0]
temp_com_O_log, temp_metal_dict = \
metallicity_calculation(adopted_temp[det3], O2[det3]/Hb[det3],
com_O_log = np.zeros(len(indv_em_line_table))
com_O_log[det3] = temp_com_O_log

metal_dict = dict()
for key0 in temp_metal_dict.keys():
metal_dict[key0] = np.zeros(len(indv_em_line_table))
metal_dict[key0][det3] = temp_metal_dict[key0]
det3_idx = np.where((detect_indv == 1.0) | (detect_indv == 0.5))[0]
metal_dict = \
metallicity_calculation(adopted_temp, O2/Hb, O3/Hb, det3=det3_idx)

# Define [indv_derived_prop_table] to include ID, bin_ID, composite T_e,
# and 12+log(O/H)
arr0 = [indv_em_line_table[ID_name], bin_id_indv, adopted_temp, com_O_log]
names0 = [ID_name, bin_ID_name] + temp_metal_names0[:2]
arr0 = [indv_em_line_table[ID_name], bin_id_indv, logR23, logO32,
two_beta, three_beta, adopted_temp]
names0 = [ID_name, bin_ID_name, logR23_name, logO32_name, two_beta_name,
three_beta_name, temp_metal_names0[0]]

# Include other metallicities
arr0 += list(metal_dict.values())
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161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions Metallicity_Stack_Commons/analysis/
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@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
from os.path import join, exists

from chun_codes import random_pdf, compute_onesig_pdf
from . import line_name
from import ascii as asc
import numpy as np

from ..column_names import filename_dict, temp_metal_names0, npz_filename_dict
from .ratios import error_prop_flux_ratios
from .temp_metallicity_calc import temp_calculation, metallicity_calculation

def write_npz(path, npz_files, dict_list):
Write numpy files with provided dictionaries
:param path: str - prefix for filename output
:param npz_files: list - contains npz file names
:param dict_list: list - contains dictionaries for each corresponding npz file
:return: Write npz files
for file, dict_input in zip(npz_files, dict_list):
npz_outfile = join(path, file)
if exists(npz_outfile):
print("Overwriting : "+npz_outfile)
print("Writing : "+npz_outfile)
np.savez(npz_outfile, **dict_input)

def fluxes_derived_prop(path, binned_data=True):
Use measurements and their uncertainties to perform a randomization
approach. The randomization is performed on individual emission lines.
It carries that information to derived flux ratios and then
determines electron temperature and metallicity
:param path: str of full path
:param binned_data: bool for whether to analysis binned data. Default: True

# Define files to read in for binned data
if binned_data:
flux_file = join(path, filename_dict['bin_fit'])
prop_file = join(path, filename_dict['bin_derived_prop'])
verify_file = join(path, filename_dict['bin_valid'])

flux_tab0 =
prop_tab0 =

if binned_data:
verify_tab =
detection = verify_tab['Detection'].data

# For now we are only considering those with reliable detection and
# excluding those with reliable non-detections (detect = 0.5)
detect_idx = np.where((detection == 1))[0]

ID = verify_tab['bin_ID'].data
ID_detect = ID[detect_idx]

flux_tab = flux_tab0[detect_idx]
prop_tab = prop_tab0[detect_idx]

flux_cols = [str0+'_Flux_Gaussian' for str0 in line_name]
flux_rms_cols = [str0+'_RMS' for str0 in line_name]


# Initialize dictionaries
flux_pdf_dict = dict()
flux_peak = dict()
flux_lowhigh = dict()

# Randomization for emission-line fluxes
for aa, flux, rms in zip(range(len(flux_cols)), flux_cols, flux_rms_cols):
flux_pdf = random_pdf(flux_tab[flux], flux_tab[rms], seed_i=aa,
err, peak = compute_onesig_pdf(flux_pdf, flux_tab[flux], usepeak=True)

# Fill in dictionary
flux_pdf_dict[line_name[aa]] = flux_pdf
flux_peak[line_name[aa] + '_peak'] = peak
flux_lowhigh[line_name[aa] + '_lowhigh_error'] = err

# Update values
flux_tab0[line_name[aa] + '_Flux_Gaussian'][detect_idx] = peak

# Write revised emission-line fit ASCII table
new_flux_file = join(path, filename_dict['bin_fit_rev'])
if exists(new_flux_file):
print("Overwriting: "+new_flux_file)
print("Writing: "+new_flux_file)
asc.write(flux_tab0, new_flux_file, overwrite=True, format='fixed_width_two_line')

# Save flux npz files
npz_files = [npz_filename_dict['flux_pdf'],
dict_list = [flux_pdf_dict, flux_lowhigh, flux_peak]
write_npz(path, npz_files, dict_list)

# Obtain distributions of line ratios: logR23, logO32, two_beta, three_beta, R
flux_ratios_dict = error_prop_flux_ratios(flux_pdf_dict)


# Initialize dictionaries
derived_prop_pdf_dict = dict()
derived_prop_error_dict = dict()
derived_prop_peak_dict = dict()

# Calculate temperature distribution
Te_pdf = temp_calculation(flux_ratios_dict['R'])
derived_prop_pdf_dict[temp_metal_names0[0]] = Te_pdf

# Calculate metallicity distribution
metal_dict = metallicity_calculation(Te_pdf, flux_ratios_dict['two_beta'],

# Loop for each derived properties (T_e, metallicity, etc.)
for names0 in temp_metal_names0:
arr0 = prop_tab[names0].data

err_prop, peak_prop = \
compute_onesig_pdf(derived_prop_pdf_dict[names0], arr0, usepeak=True)

# Fill in dictionary
derived_prop_error_dict[names0+'_lowhigh_error'] = err_prop
derived_prop_peak_dict[names0+'_peak'] = peak_prop

# Update values
prop_tab0[names0][detect_idx] = peak_prop

# Write revised properties ASCII table
new_prop_file = join(path, filename_dict['bin_derived_prop_rev'])
if exists(new_prop_file):
print("Overwriting: "+new_prop_file)
print("Writing: "+new_prop_file)
asc.write(prop_tab0, new_prop_file, overwrite=True, format='fixed_width_two_line')

# Save derived properties npz files
npz_files = [npz_filename_dict['der_prop_pdf'],
dict_list = [derived_prop_pdf_dict, derived_prop_error_dict,
write_npz(path, npz_files, dict_list)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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from astropy.convolution import Box1DKernel, convolve
from import ascii as asc

from . import scalefact, wavelength_dict
from .. import scalefact, wavelength_dict

con1 = wavelength_dict['OII_3729'] / wavelength_dict['OII_3726'] # Ratio of OII doublet line

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44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions Metallicity_Stack_Commons/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import numpy as np

from . import line_name_short, OIII_r
from .temp_metallicity_calc import R_calculation

def error_prop_flux_ratios(flux_dict, EBV=None):
Primary code to determine a variety of line ratios based on a dictionary
containing emission-line fluxes
:param flux_dict: dictionary containing line ratios
:param EBV: array of E(B-V). Same dimensions as contents of flux_dict
:return flux_ratios_dict: dictionary containing flux ratios

# Retrieve emission line fluxes
OII = flux_dict[line_name_short['OII']]
OIII = flux_dict[line_name_short['OIII']]
Hb = flux_dict[line_name_short['HB']]
OIII4363 = flux_dict[line_name_short['4363']]

# Define flux ratios
two_beta = OII/Hb
three_beta = (1+1/OIII_r) * OIII/Hb
logR23 = np.log10(two_beta + three_beta)
logO32 = np.log10((1+1/OIII_r) * OIII/OII)

# Define dictionary of flux ratios
flux_ratios_dict = dict()
flux_ratios_dict['two_beta'] = two_beta
flux_ratios_dict['three_beta'] = three_beta
flux_ratios_dict['logR23'] = logR23
flux_ratios_dict['logO32'] = logO32

if EBV is None:
print("Not applying dust attenuation correction")
EBV = np.zeros(OIII4363.shape)

flux_ratios_dict['R'] = R_calculation(OIII4363, OIII, EBV)

return flux_ratios_dict

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