Currently testing PM2 watch with Hapi on CentOS 6.5 (seems to be working on OSX fine)
# setup
npm install git:// -g
node -v # should be 0.10.32
pm2 -v # should be 0.11.0
tail -f ~/.pm2/pm2.log&
# app
git clone git://
cd hapi_playground
npm install
pm2 start process.json
# test
curl -m 5 http://localhost:46100
sed -i 's/Hello Hapi/Hello Hapi 1/' index.js
curl -m 5 http://localhost:46100
sed -i 's/Hello Hapi 1/Hello Hapi 2/' index.js
curl -m 5 http://localhost:46100
So far, all good...
But now, let's wipe it and try again...
pm2 kill;
cd ../;
rm -rf hapi_playground;
git clone git://
cd hapi_playground
npm install
pm2 start process.json
curl -m 5 http://localhost:46100
sed -i 's/Hello Hapi/Hello Hapi 1/' index.js
curl -m 5 http://localhost:46100
This time the curl fails:
curl: (28) Operation timed out after 5000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
If it doesn't, let's try another modification:
Let's add memcached:
pm2 kill
git checkout index.js;
sed -i 's/\/\/var memcached/var memcached/' index.js
pm2 start process.json
curl -m 5 http://localhost:46100
sed -i 's/Hello Hapi/Hello Hapi 1/' index.js
curl -m 5 http://localhost:46100
Curls should work without returning (do they?):
curl: (28) Operation timed out after 5000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
git clone git://
cd hapi_playground
npm install
npm install -g pm2 node-inspector
gulp test
pm2 start process.json
pm2 monit
in another terminal type
brew install watch
watch curl http://localhost:3666
see if the memory increases on every request
node --debug index.js && node-inspector