This is an example of application skeleton written full in TypeScript 1.8 including: unit and e2e test samples, bundling (minification, ng-annotate) and most needed automation tasks with gulp.
Example contains simple implementation of Angular:
- controller
- service
- directive
- ui router
- toastr
- ngannotate
- TypeScript
- Karma
- Mocha
- Chaijs
- Sinonjs
- Protractor
- Gulp
- Angular 1.x
- Bootstrap from Twitter
- nodejs 5.+
- npm 3.+
npm install gulp -g
git clone
npm install
Serve application or documentation to browser
gulp serve # Serves application, watch *.js, reload
gulp serve --watch-ts # Serves application, watch *.ts, recompile, reload (useful without TypeScript IDE compilation)
gulp serve:dist # Serves application from bundled dist file
gulp serve:docs # Generates and serves documentation
Validate sources with specified rules defined in :
for TypeScript.eslintrc
for JavaScript
gulp check # check all
gulp check:eslint # checks gulp tasks and gulpfile (only not generated js files in this repo)
gulp check:tslint # checks TypeScript files from src/ and test/ directory
gulp check:tslint:src # checks TypeScript files from src/ directory
gulp check:tslint:test # checks TypeScript files from src/ directory
Angular Bundling
gulp ng:directives # bundles directives from templateUrl to template
gulp ng:annotate # adds ng annotate to typescript output
Remove compiled files
gulp clean # clean all
gulp clean:src # removes *.map, *.js files from source directory
gulp clean:test # removes *.map, *.js files from test directory
Run TypeScript compiler
gulp compile # compile all
gulp compile:src # compile *.ts files from source directory
gulp compile:test # compile *.ts files from test directory
Build sources and documentation
gulp build # build all
gulp build:dist # creates self executable distribution file into dist directory
gulp build:docs # generates documentation into docs directory
Run tests
gulp test # all tests
gulp test:unit # run unit tests from test/unit directory
gulp test:e2e # run e2e tests from test/e2e directory