Use this tab system to easily create tabs in your UI. (like the browser tabs or menu tabs)
Before usage, make sure to import TextMeshPro text.
// Reference to the tab system.
public TabSystem tabSystem;
void Start()
// Register event
// Sets current selected tab to index (if the index exists)
// Sets tab button amount (this generates tabs if the count isn't already 4)
tabSystem.TabButtonAmount = 4;
// ...
// Register this event from inspector if you want, using the unity event.
public void EventExample(int SelectedTabIndex)
// Information
Debug.Log(string.Format("Selected tab was : {0}", SelectedTabIndex));
// Toggle menus from here.
- Documentation will be added as a wiki page, but this is the quick start thing.
- Create tab using GameObject>UI>TabSystem
- Just play with the 'TabAmount' and use the 'CurrentReferenceTabIndex' variable for which tab to instantiate from.
- Use the inspector (like you would do on a GameObject>UI>Button) to attach events and change stuff to your liking.
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