TODO: please add redis with spring redis .... for learning purposes and observe the time efficiency for retrieving data.
- Spring web
- Spring boot dev tools
- Data JPA
- Hibernate validator
- PostgreSQL Driver
- Spring Security & More...
- apis -> contains all the rest endpoints [equivalent to resources in grails]
- services -> contains business logic that are not really connected to the view
- models -> contains all the domain class [data class to map to database]
- repositories -> contains all the spring data repositories for data access
- configuration -> contains all relevant configuration files for the app.
- utils -> contains all the utilities classes & methods for additional logic
- dtos -> data transfer objects [ to transfer data / map entity to reponse , just like in grails]
- exceptions -> contains all the classes for handling exception for the application
- ....
- users [will contain all users, individual users will have many blogs]
- blogs [contains all the blog posts, blog will contain the user_id]
- comments [one blog has many comments, comment has blog_id & user_id, one user can make multiple comments?]
- roles [role defined for each user, like ADMIN_ROLE, NORMAL_USER, and more if required.]
- categories [list of categories, one post can have categories...]
- REF 1:
- REF 2 :
- REF 3 : [Learn Code With Durgesh]
- REF 4: [Java Brains]
- REF1 :
- REF2 :
- REF :
- REF :
- Stateless authentication mechanism.
- If we include spring boot testing , it by default includes assertJ, Junit etc.
- REF : [JUnit 5]
- REF : AssertJ library [provides very good methods for assertion ]
- To test with different database for eg : H2 in memory database, we can create resources folder inside the test and create a separate file there and testing will use that folder.