No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 01. Two Sum | python | Easy |
2 | 48. Rotate Image | c++ | Medium |
3 | 56. Merge Intervals | c++ | Medium |
4 | 75. Sort Colors | c++ | Medium |
5 | 238. Product of Array Except Self | c++ | Medium |
6 | 287. Find Duplicate Number | c++ (speed 90%) | Medium |
7 | 448. Find All Numbers Disappeared in Array | c++ | Easy |
No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 03. Longest Substring w/t Repeating | python (mem 99%) | Medium |
2 | 11. Container with Most Water | python | Medium |
3 | 15. 3Sum | c++ | Medium |
4 | 41. First Missing Positive | c++ | Hard |
5 | 53. Maximum Subarray | c++ | Easy |
6 | 283. Move Zeros | c++ | Easy |
7 | 19. Remove Nth Node from End of List | c++ (speed 100%) | Medium |
8 | 76. Minimum Window Substring | c++ | Hard |
9 | 141. Linked List Cycle | c++ | Easy |
10 | 142. Linked List Cycle II | c++ (speed 99%) | Medium |
No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 04. Median of Two Sorted Arrays | python (mem 100%) | Hard |
2 | 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array | c++ | Medium |
3 | 34. First and Last Positions of Element in Sorted Array | c++ | Medium |
No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 02. Add Two Numbers | python (mem 100%) | Medium |
2 | 234. Palindrome Linked List | c++ (speed 91%) | Easy |
No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 560. Subarray Sum Equals K | c++ | Medium |
No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 36. Longest Valid Parenthesis | c++ | Hard |
2 | 42. Trapping Rain Water | c++ | Hard |
3 | 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram | c++ | Hard |
No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 45. Jump Game II | c++ | Hard |
2 | 55. Jump Game | c++ | Medium |
3 | 621. Task Scheduler | c++ | Medium |
No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 169. Majority Element | c++ (mem 90%) | Easy |
No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 05. Longest Palindromic Substring | python (mem 99%) | Medium |
2 | 10. Regular Expression Matching | python (mem 99%) | Hard |
3 | 62. Unique Paths | c++ | Medium |
4 | 64. Minimum Path Sum | c++ | Medium |
5 | 85. Maximal Rectangle | c++ | Hard |
6 | 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | c++ | Easy |
7 | 152. Maximal Product Subarray | c++ (speed 100%) | Medium |
8 | 70. Climbing Stairs | c++ (speed 100%) | Easy |
9 | 96. Unique Binary Search Trees | c++ (speed 100%) | Medium |
10 | 139. Word Break | c++ | Medium |
11 | 198. House Robber | c++ (speed 100%) | Medium |
12 | 221. Maximal Square | c++ | Medium |
13 | 279. Perfect Squares | c++ | Medium |
14 | 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence | c++ | Medium |
15 | 322. Coin Change | c++ | Medium |
16 | 338. Counting Bits | c++ (speed 90%) | Medium |
17 | 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum | c++ | Medium |
18 | 494. Target Sum | c++ | Medium |
19 | 647. Palindromic Substrings | c++ | Medium |
20 | 72. Edit Distance | c++ | Hard |
No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 39. Combination Sum | c++ (speed 100%) | Medium |
2 | 78. Subsets | c++ (mem 97%) | Medium |
3 | 79. Word Search | c++ | Medium |
4 | 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | c++ (speed 100%) | Medium |
5 | 22. Generating Parentheses | c++ (mem 99%) | Medium |
6 | 46. Permutations | c++ (speed 100%) | Medium |
No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 105. Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder | c++ | Medium |
2 | 337. House Robber III | c++ (speed 96%) | Medium |
3 | 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | c++ | Medium |
4 | 98. Validate Binary Search Tree | c++ | Medium |
5 | 101. Symmetric Tree | c++ | Easy |
6 | 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | c++ | Medium |
7 | 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | c++ (speed 100%) | Easy |
8 | 114. Flatten Binary Tree To Linked List | c++ (mem 94%) | Medium |
9 | 124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | c++ (mem 91%) | Hard |
10 | 199. Binary Tree Right Side View | c++ | Medium |
11 | 226. Invert Binary Tree | c++ | Easy |
12 | 230. Kth Smallest Element in a Binary Search Tree | c++ | Medium |
13 | 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | c++ (speed 94%) | Medium |
14 | 297. Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree | c++ (mem 95%) | Hard |
15 | 437. Path Sum III | c++ (speed 92%) | Medium |
No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 207. Course Schedule | c++ (speed 93%) | Medium |
No. | Problem | Solution | Level |
1 | 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence | c++ | Hard |
2 | 200.Number of Islands | c++ | Medium |