A JavaScript library, mainly for React Native, in interacting with Frappe APIs.
The react-native-frappe-fetch uses Fetch API.
npm install react-native-frappe-fetch
Currently, the codebase under the Frappe's app.py under v10 is not compatible with the react-native-frappe-fetch. However, the develop branch is already updated. Just replaced this with your make_form_dict()
function under app.py
def make_form_dict(request):
import json
if 'application/json' in (request.content_type or '') and request.data:
args = json.loads(request.data)
args = request.form or request.args
frappe.local.form_dict = frappe._dict({ k:v[0] if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) else v \
for k, v in iteritems(args) })
except IndexError:
frappe.local.form_dict = frappe._dict(args)
if "_" in frappe.local.form_dict:
# _ is passed by $.ajax so that the request is not cached by the browser. So, remove _ from form_dict
import FrappeFetch from "react-native-frappe-fetch";
// Connect to Frappe server
url: "http://192.168.xx.xxx:8002",
username: "Administrator",
password: "frappe"
}).then((response) => {
console.log("Logged in");
}).catch((error) => {
// Using the client
const { Client } = FrappeFetch;
// Post requests through API
const data = {
doctype: "Test",
name: "Name"
Client.postApi("xxxxx.xxxxx.test_api", data).then((response) => {
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