ReZZan is a fast memory error sanitizer for fuzzing C/C++ code.
Efficient Greybox Fuzzing to Detect Memory Errors
(In the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering [ASE22])
- LLVM >= 12
- Clang >= 12
sudo ./
You can directly call rezzan command, instead of clang, to compile your target program.
rezzanclang target.c
When a memory error happens, the target program will receive the SIGILL signal.
There are options to control the parameters of the ReZZan. Note that these environment variables must be set for both compiling and running of target programs. For example:
REZZAN_NONCE_SIZE=64 rezzanclang target.c -o target
: size of the nonce in bits, must be {61,64}. 61 represents the byte-accurate detection, while 64 represents word-accurate detection. (Default: 61).REZZAN_QUARANTINE_SIZE
: size of the quarantine, used for storing freed heap memory, in bytes (Default: ~1MB).REZZAN_POOL_SIZE
: size of the memory pool in bytes (Default: ~2GB).REZZAN_DEBUG
: set to 1 to enable debug output (Default: 0).REZZAN_CHECKS
: set to 1 to enable additional checking for deubgging ReZZan (Default: 0).REZZAN_DISABLED
: set to 1 to disable ReZZan allocation (Default: 0).REZZAN_STATS
: set to 1 to print stats on exit (Default: 0).
The same as the vanillan AFL
cd AFL
make clean all
cd llvm_mode
make clean all
Setting AFL_CHECK_REZZAN environment to enable ReZZan in AFL.
AFL_CHECK_REZZAN=1 AFL/afl-clang-fast target.c -o target
./afl-fuzz -i in -o out -- ./target @@
To quickly start a fuzzing campaign:
git clone && \
cd libpng && \
CC=../AFL/afl-clang-fast ./configure --disable-shared --disable-libseccomp && \
AFL_CHECK_REZZAN=1 make clean all
cd ..
mkdir in
echo "test" > in/test.txt
./AFL/afl-fuzz -i in -o out -- ./libpng/pngfix @@
We provide a docker file to facilitate reproducing our results.
sudo docker build . -t rezzan
sudo docker run -it rezzan
cd /juliet
The final results will be shown in the terminal when the execution is done. Please see juliet/
for more information. The execution is expected to take several hours.
sudo docker run -it rezzan
cd /benchmark
./ <fuzzer> <target>
Please choose the args from the following options:
fuzzer: {asan, rezzan, rezzan_lite, native}
target: {cxxfilt, file, jerryscript, mupdf, nm, objdump, libpng, size, sqlite, tcpdump}
The execution speed information will be shown in the terminal. Please see benchmark/
for more information.
sudo docker run -it rezzan
cd /fuzzer-test-suite
./ <fuzzer> <target>
Please choose the args from the following options:
fuzzer: {asan, rezzan, rezzan_lite}
target: {c-ares-CVE-2016-5180, json-2017-02-12, libxml2-v2.9.2, openssl-1.0.1f, pcre2-10.00}
The fuzzing campaign will automatically stop when a crash found, so the time to reach this bug can be observed from the AFL GUI. More information please see fuzzer-test-suite/
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.