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Bakkeby edited this page Mar 6, 2022 · 2 revisions

The Sort functionality, when enabled, will make dmenu sort menu items after matching.

How menu items are sorted depends on whether fuzzy or exact matching is used.

When the FuzzyMatch functionality is enabled then matching menu items will be sorted according to the match distance.

When exact matching is enabled (i.e. FuzzyMatch is disabled) then:

  • exact matches will go first
  • then comes prefixes with high priority
  • then comes prefix matches
  • then comes substring matches

It can be useful to disable sorting of items when the input is already sorted in a meaningful way. One example would be when menu items are sorted by their frequency of use and the most frequently selected items should always appear first regardless of how well they match the input string.

The functionality originates from the no-sort patch for dmenu.

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