Public salary data acquired by the Baltimore Sun. Currently, we just have data from the state of Maryland for 2017.
Run ./ setup
to install locally. The script assumes you have either Python 3 or Homebrew for Mac installed. Run ./ setup-frontend
to install front end dependencies.
Run ./ create-db
to create a SQLite database out of the provided CSVs.
Run ./
or ./ serve
to run server at http://localhost:9001.
Run the JS/CSS frontend server in another tab with ./ frontend
./ format
will format Python and Javascript code according to the coding standards of the project.
is also provided for running/deploying with Docker. The image can be built with ./ docker-build
and tested with ./ docker
. The server only responds to correct hostnames (not localhost), so edit /etc/hosts
to add
and then test in the browser.