- MongoDb - Our DB
- MySql - Theatre Database(owned by client)
- Redis - To maintain payment Cache
- Import Movies theatre.mongo_collection.json into mongodb
- SET innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 5 (to set transaction waiting state to 5 sec)
- Import the mysql client_db.sql
- Install redis
- npm install
- To Change MySQL user and pass edit /src/datasources/my-sql.datasource.ts
- npm start
Import Postman Collection superops.postman_collection.json into post man
Test the following services
- SignUp
- Find Theatre(No Auth)
- Login - Retrive Token
- Select Show (Auth) - Bearer Token
- Select Seat (Auth) - Bearer Token
- Seat Booking(Auth) - Bearer Token
- Payment and Dispatch(Auth) - Bearer Token
- Not Implemented load balancing , we can use kubernetes or ECS services in AWS