admonation is a beautiful Gatsby theme for blogging.
TODO: Create a demo
- Fully responsive
- Highly optimized (Lighthouse score ~400)
- SEO optimized (with open graph, Twitter Card, JSON-LD, RSS, robots.txt and sitemap)
- Syntax highlighting
- Search functionality
- Multi navigations
- Static pages
- Fully typed with TypeScript
- Tagging
- Theming
- Customizable
TODO: Create a starter for a quick start!
This is the mono repo containing the demo and the theme. Check the theme-specific README for further details on the theme.
In case you want to work with this mono repo (for local development, pull requests, etc.):
git clone
cd gatsby-theme-admoni/theme
npm install
cd ../demo
npm run update:theme
npm install
See the full site metadata here
The site's title (will be shown in the title and in the SEO)
Default value: admonation
The site's url (will be shown in SEO)
Default value:
The site's description (will be shown in SEO and in the header)
Default value: A Gatsby theme for %TOPICS%
- The
will be replaced in with the site's topics
The site's topics (will be shown in SEO and in the header with fancy typing animation)
Default value:
[`bloggers`, `geeks`, `nerds`, `people`, `everyone`];
The items that will be shown in the upper navigation menu
Default value:
name: 'Home',
path: '/',
name: 'Archive',
path: '/archive',
name: 'Tags',
path: '/tags',
The items that will be shown in the footer menu
Default value:
name: 'RSS',
path: '/rss.xml',
name: 'Sitemap',
path: '/sitemap.xml',
If need to show the search feature
Default value: true
If need to show the featured tags
Default value: true
The author details
Default value:
name: `baradm100`,
description: `I'm <strong>admonation</strong>, a Gatsby theme by
<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Bar Admoni</a>. If you like what you see feel free to give a
<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">star on GitHub!</a>`,
social: {
facebook: ``,
twitter: ``,
linkedin: ``,
instagram: ``,
youtube: ``,
github: ``,
twitch: ``,
See the full plugin options here
Information for the manifest file (the manifest plugin document)
Default value:
name: `admonation - A Gatsby theme`,
short_name: `admonation`,
start_url: `/`,
background_color: `#a4cbb8`,
theme_color: `#a4cbb8`,
display: `minimal-ui`,
icon: `${__dirname}/assets/logo.png`,
Developed by and modified by Bar Admoni.