The SkyConnect API is a powerful flight booking service that simplifies the integration of flight search, booking, and management functionalities into your applications. With the SkyConnect API, you can effortlessly connect travelers with a wide range of flights, enabling them to search for available flights, book reservations, and manage their itineraries with ease. including flight management, booking systems, real-time notifications, and secure payment processing. It incorporates a Microservice MVC architecture, which guarantees both scalability and availability of the system.
Conflict and Consistency Prevention: The application utilizes Transaction Isolation Level to maintain data integrity, ensuring that simultaneous seat bookings by different users are not allowed, thereby preventing conflicts and inconsistencies.
Payment Gateway Idempotency: The payment gateway incorporates Idempotency APIs to prevent unintended outcomes and accidental duplicate calls during the payment process, ensuring reliable and predictable behavior while avoiding any adverse effects.