Welcome to Vin-Player, a player where you can listen to MP3/MP4 music videos and manage them in a personalized way. Here are some important features and functionalities of Vin-Player that you should know before getting started:
Card Creation, Editing and Deletion - As a user, you have the flexibility to create, edit, and delete cards that contain the name and a video/mp3 link of the song or video you want to play.
Bucket Creation - Vin-Player allows you to create different buckets for your cards. You can group your cards under different categories such as Entertainment Videos, Education Videos, etc. Additionally, you can name these buckets according to your choice.
Moving Cards - You can easily move cards from one bucket to another. This feature helps you organize your cards better and keep them in a more structured way.
Modal Window - On clicking on the card, a modal window with an iframe opens that starts playing the video. This feature allows you to play the video without being redirected to another page.
History Tab - Vin-Player has a separate tab called "history" that lists the mp3/mp4 links you have played, along with the card name and the time it was played. This feature helps you keep track of the songs and videos you have played.
We hope you enjoy using Vin-Player and that it provides you with a seamless experience of playing and managing your favorite songs and videos.
- Player with modal popup
- History
- Implementing the ability to delete multiple cards from a bucket at once
- Writing unit test cases to ensure the reliability and accuracy of these features