This package fits additive mixed models with P-splines and an l1 penalty using alternating direction method of multipliers and cross validation (Segal et al., 2018).
# setup p-spline matrices
X <- list(ps(x = "x", data = simData,
norder = 2, k = 1, width = 0.05,
center = TRUE))
# setup random effect matrices
rand <- re(x = "x", id = "id", data = simData,
randomCurves = FALSE)
# run cross validation and view paths
cvOut <- cv(y = "y", id = "id", X = X, rand = rand,
K = 5,
pathLength = 20,
data = simData)
# fit model with all data
a1 <- admm(y = "y", id = "id", X = X, rand = rand,
lambda = cvOut$smoothOpt[2:(length(X)+1)],
lmeUpdate = TRUE,
rho = min(5, max(cvOut$smoothOpt)),
data = simData)
# get and plot fitted model with confidence bands
CI <- ci(model = a1, alpha = 0.05)
# extract values from ci object for custom plotting
CIpoly <- data.frame(x = c(CI[[1]]$x, rev(CI[[1]]$x)),
y = c(CI[[1]]$lower, rev(CI[[1]]$upper)))
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y), data = trueMean)+
geom_polygon(data = CIpoly, fill = "grey")+
geom_line(color = "black") +
geom_line(aes(y = smooth), data = CI[[1]], color = "red")
Segal, B. D., Elliott M., Braun T., and Jiang, H. (2018). P-splines with an l1 penalty for repeated measures. Electronic Journal of Statistics. 12(2), 3554-3600.